Siri Shortcuts: Random Reminders

Learn how to build a simple Siri Shortcut that will choose an item from a Reminders list and speak that item aloud. In this example, the Shortcut will get a random item from a list of chores.

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Comments: 5 Responses to “Siri Shortcuts: Random Reminders”

    6 years ago

    What are those two small oblongs immediately below the 'done' button on the screen of the video you have just posted? One has a blue dot on white background and the other has a white dot on a blue background.

    6 years ago

    William: Try pressing it and you'll see. It is simply the "settings" button for the Shortcut. I actually press it at 3:29 in the video.

    6 years ago


    6 years ago

    Is there a way to not have Siri say, “Your shortcut says…”

    6 years ago

    Rocky: Reports are that this was limited for some people with the last minor update too iOS. But others say it is still there. So perhaps it depends on some things, or will take some time to roll out.

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