MacMost Now 815: Special Email Alerts

Using the Mail app on your Mac you can get a special alert when an email from a specific sender arrives. This can be a sound, notification, icon bounce or even a special color for the email in your inbox. To do this, learn to use Mail rules. A rule can identify a new message and then apply an action to it. You can also have messages forwarded to another email address.

Comments: 10 Responses to “MacMost Now 815: Special Email Alerts”

    Paul Cannon
    12 years ago

    The Special Email Alerts video has been extremely useful, I have been trawling through emails searching for specific ones at times and this has just saved me a lot of time and frustration.

    12 years ago

    It's a nice feature. Be great if there was a way to do this on the iPhone and iPad as I suspect more of us are on the go....and less of us in front of a desktop now. I've used a pay-for app in the past but it was inelegant and difficult.

    Ginny Rodgers
    12 years ago

    Thanks !

    12 years ago

    can you use this as an auto responder . For example when you are on vacation and you want all emails coming in to know you are out? It is my understanding that Mac can not do this?

      12 years ago

      Well, you can set a rule to automatically reply to a message. But your Mac can only do that while it is awake and receiving email. So if you want to go on vacation and leave your Mac on, with sleep turned off, and Mail running and set to check your email constantly, then yes. But usually you would not use a personal computer for this. You would instead go to your mail server's settings and use the vacation setting there.

      12 years ago

      Your iCloud Mail has automatic vacation response. Go to iCloud > sign in > Preferences > vacation.

    11 years ago

    Is it possible to resurrect the 'bounce back' option in current version of Apple OSX 10.8.2?

      11 years ago

      Not easily, that I know of. That didn't really serve any purpose anyway. Anyone you would want to bounce an email to (spammers) wouldn't ever get the bounce or care if they did.

    11 years ago

    Gary, on my Mac and in sleep mode can i set-up an alert/sound or notification telling me i've receiced email.
    i have no other Apple devices.

      11 years ago

      If you Mac is sleeping, then you wouldn't receive the email until you wake up. So there is no way for it to alert you.

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