Understanding Safari Browser Profiles

In macOS Sonoma you can use browser profiles to keep home and work separate while viewing web sites. You can log into different accounts in different profiles and have multiple profiles each open in its own window.

Comments: 5 Responses to “Understanding Safari Browser Profiles”

    11 months ago

    Thanks bunches

    11 months ago

    Thanks, I've used Firefox for 20 years and am a Mac home user and PC work user. So FF has worked flawlessly between the two for years but I'm wanting to bring all things in to the Mac world to downsize and manage less including subscriptions. So Safari, might be my next big hurtle.

    Question, can you put a password on a profile? Thanks Gary

    11 months ago

    John: No, profiles aren't something you password protect. Your whole account should be protected with your Mac user account password.

    7 months ago

    Before Profiles, I used two Safari windows for similar purposes and cycled between them with Cmd-~ but that no longer keeps me inside Safari, it cycles through other apps rather than other Safari windows. That used to be a very big issue for me but now, using Profiles gets me to the same places without a keyboard shortcut. That is good.

    7 months ago

    Charles: Using Command+` (~) should still cycle you through windows of the same app. If it doesn't, check in System Settings, Keyboard, Keyboard Shortcuts (Button), under "Keyboard" on the left. Look at Move Focus To Next Window.

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