MacMost Now 429: Using Automator to Create Services

You can use Automator to create scripts that appear in the right click menu. This example shows you how to build a workflow that attaches the current file to a new email message.

Comments: 22 Responses to “MacMost Now 429: Using Automator to Create Services”

    15 years ago

    Hi Gary,

    My Automator does not give me an option to create a service.
    It gives me a Select a starting point to open new workflow:

    Custom Files&Folders Music&Audio Photo&Images Text

    How can I get Automator to give me the options to create a service?


      15 years ago

      Are you using Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6.x)? My guess is that you are using Leopard (Mac OS X 1.5.x).

        13 years ago

        So, does this mean that it's not possible to create a service in automator if you're running anything earlier than than OS X 10.6.x?

    15 years ago

    Hi Gary,
    I was wondering if there is a way in the Pages Software to match the properties of a selected text just like the Brush palette in MS Word?

    15 years ago

    Yelp, your right.

    System Version: Mac OS X 10.5.8 (9L30)

    R. Henry
    15 years ago

    What a great tip!! Thank you

    15 years ago

    This is so cool!!! Thank you Gary :)

    15 years ago

    Hi Gary, I created a service to 'send to email' which works great, but I wanted to go further and automatically insert the filename into the email subject line. I couldn't figure out how to do this after Google searching. Any tips?

    Much appreciated. Love your show.


      15 years ago

      No tips for you there. I'd just keep experimenting with the Automator commands. Not sure if you can do it, though.

    13 years ago

    Hi Gary, thanks again for the great tips; I use them ALL the time!
    I want to automate a right-click service that says "Move to Folder " The only option at this point is to "Move to Trash". Well, no thanks, I want to move to a folder. Any ideas?

      13 years ago

      Yes, you should be able to do that. Give it a try. Play around with Automator and I'm sure you'll figure it out.

    sangbea choi
    13 years ago

    I wonder about "save as plug-in".
    is this same as "services"? Because I want to use in illustrator 5.1.
    I saw one of videos you doing record "watch me do" with earlier version.
    so, if i use "services" same as "save as plug-in"?

      13 years ago

      Which version of Automator are you using? In Automator for Lion you choose the type of Automator file you want to create when you start. There is no "plug-in" but there are"Print Plug-In" and "Image Capture Plug-In" choice. When you select one, it tells you what it does in the description below.

    sangbea choi
    13 years ago

    sorry, I didn't explain well.
    I use macbook pro with lion system. when I saw the video that you doing record "watch me do". there was "save as plug-in > plug-in for script menu" menu and in earlier version. the video is NO.247.
    automator in lion hasn't "save as plug-in" menu. how can I create the plug-in for script and make keyboard shortcut in illustrator program. I really hope there is way. really need it.

      13 years ago

      That was an old video, way before Lion existed (Leopard or Snow Leopard). I think what you want now is a service. See episode 429.
      But creating something for use by Adobe Illustrator depends on whether that app supports applescripting and services. Consult its help files to see if it mentions that. It may not support it at all. If it does, then it may give you instructions on what it can do.

        sangbea choi
        13 years ago

        Thanks for your advice!!
        But, I don't understand one thing steel. "App supports applescripting and service"
        What does it mean? Does it mean the app is able to updates(uncracked app)?
        I did "watch me do" in illustrator and saved. It can be found a library folder(image Capture>Aplecation>workflow>Library(hidden one)). useless?

    13 years ago

    I am trying to create a service with Automator running Leopard. My goal is to create a service to print a file without having to open its parent app first. I want to have so I can right-click a file and print it. SInce I am in Leopard, I do no get the Services Template.

    I drag "Print finder items" to the right side, but cannot see the option to set the "Service receives selected" popup menu to "files or folders" in "Finder." Any ideas?

      13 years ago

      You can't print a document without some app to interpret the data file and render something to be printed.
    13 years ago

    Hi Gary,
    The tips are GREAT! Is there a way to script this for a web mail account like gmail?


      13 years ago

      You can try it, but it would be difficult to do for a web-based service. However, you can always use Gmail inside the Mac Mail app. Why not do that?

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