Using Dictation Commands As an Alternative To Keyboard Shortcuts

You can use Dictation Commands to trigger a keyboard shortcut, menu item, or to even insert some text. You can do this while typing, or while dictating. You can set the spoken phrase to precede a dictation command to make sure the command only executes when you want it to.

Comments: 13 Responses to “Using Dictation Commands As an Alternative To Keyboard Shortcuts”

    Jeff Lambert
    6 years ago

    Hi, great video! Do you know if there is a way to toggle the language for dictation with applescript or with dictation? I use both French Canadian and English and it would be fantastic to be able to toggle those more easily. I know I can toggle it on the little dictation button but was wondering if I could do it with a keyboard shortcut. Thanks!

    6 years ago

    Jeff: They way you are doing it now is probably the easiest.

    Colin McKinney
    6 years ago

    I used Dictation a couple of years ago, and now I started practising it again. This time, however, the 'show numbers' command refuses to work. Maybe this a bug in recent updates? I've tried restarting the mac and other 'fixes' I found online.

    6 years ago

    Colin: Check all of your settings that would be involved. Definitely works for me.

    Robert Werthman
    6 years ago

    Thanks for explaining this neat feature. My Dictation Commands screen in System Preferences is grayed out so I cannot check or uncheck any of the boxes. If anyone has an answer I would appreciate it. (macOS 10.14)

    6 years ago

    Robert: Things to check: Are you using an admin account? If not parental controls can restrict this. Do you have Enhanced Dictation turned on in System Preferences, Keyboard, Dictation? Is your microphone working?

    Fred Andersen
    6 years ago

    I tried setting up Dictation as demonstrated - I uploaded Advanced Dictation, so the little microphone in the topmost ribbon on my screen appears activated - but when I try to use Dictation, nothing happens. I watched the video twice to be sure I hadn't missed anything. Is there something else I need to do? "Voice recognition" or something? Thanks. (iMac OS 10.14.1)

    6 years ago

    Fred: Just check and recheck everything. Maybe do a restart.

    Robert Werthman
    6 years ago

    Thanks for your response Gary. I am using an Admin account, enhanced dictation is turned off and the mike works because normal dictation works.

    6 years ago

    Robert: Try it with Enhanced Dictation turned on. And try a restart after you turn it on to be sure it takes effect.

    Robert Werthman
    6 years ago

    Gary you're a genius, it works. Couldn't find a solution anywhere else. Thank you.

    Jerry Raphael
    5 years ago

    Is there a way to "mark as unread" in the mail ap? It would be nice if there was a shortcut.

    5 years ago

    Jerry: Yes, just look in the menus. Message, Mark As Unread. There is a keyboard shortcut there too.

Comments Closed.