MacMost Now 493: Using Multiple iPhones and iPods with One Mac

With many households now using more iOS devices than computers, it is important to be able to sync multiple devices to one Mac. This can be done using one of three main methods.

Comments: 13 Responses to “MacMost Now 493: Using Multiple iPhones and iPods with One Mac”

    Douglas A. Brace
    14 years ago

    The biggest question that I've been getting lately amongst the people I support is, "how do I sync my between more than one computer?" I simply say, "you don't want to do that."

    Any ideas about that?

    G Tyler
    14 years ago

    I use the last method with a single PC and user syncing my iPod Touch Gen 1, Gen 4, and iPad. However, my kids have their own Macs, iPods, and iTunes account. I use the iTunes Home Sharing so they can copy the music they want from our Mac to their library and then they can add they own music.

    What are the ways to share Apps between devices and users? Do they work with amy of your methods? How about the Home Sharing feature?

      14 years ago

      The Home Sharing feature is the best way to share apps between devices synced to different Macs.

        Douglas A. Brace
        14 years ago

        In order for "Home Sharing" and "Apps" to work on multiple iOS devices and computers, do they all have to be purchased from the "App Store" using the same iTunes store account on each iOS device and on each computer?

        I hope my question makes sense.

        If it doesn't, let me give an example of a situation:
        -- my wife has an iPhone 3GS
        -- I have an iPhone 4
        -- my wife has her own computer
        -- I have my own computer
        -- my wife has her own iTunes store account
        -- I have my own iTunes store account

        Now the actual question:
        -- if I purchase purchase QuickOffice for word processing and spreadsheeting using my iTunes store account, on my computer, for my iPhone 4, will I be able to put it on my wife's iPhone 3GS?

          14 years ago

          Yes, you have to "authorize" both iTunes with the account where the app was purchased. Not a problem, though, as you can authorize up to 5 computers using your account.

            Douglas A. Brace
            14 years ago

            So iTunes needs to be authorized on both computers and it allows the DRM permissions to be passed onto the Apps and iOS devices?

            Thanks Greg!

            Happy Holidays!

              14 years ago

              Right computers 1 and 2 can both be authorized for iTunes accounts A and B and then they can share apps using Home Sharing.

    13 years ago

    Hmm. Interesting but I don't see the option I am pursuing but still have a problem. Essentially, I have two accounts for each of my kids. I have thrown Kid1's iTunes library into the USER\SHARE\iTunesRelated\ drive. Kid2 does access the music BUT NOT THE iTouch APPS. How can I resolve this part of the issue? Thanks.

      13 years ago

      When kid2 runs iTunes, does he or she have the same iTunes account as kid1 enabled for that account?

    Jeff B
    13 years ago

    The video covers the implications of the three choices only on iTunes - What happens if the multiple users / iPhones have their own contacts, calendars, and photos (some of which they might want to share (photos) and some keep separate (contacts))?

    Thanks Greg!

      13 years ago

      Then it gets very complicated. You want them to each have their own account on the Mac (or use a separate computer). Then use Home Sharing to share music and apps between those users. Photos make it even more complex. No easy way to do it except to become an expert at the ins and outs of iTunes syncing and Mac user accounts.

    12 years ago

    i understood all said in the video but what im facing is i can manualy choose to sync music and images. but i dont want to sync same contacts on both phone.

    for example when i plug one phone and back upp all data (calendar and contacts etc) and then pluging the other phone it automaticly adds all my contact from phone 1 to phone 2. and there is only one option for me to choose from is not to add the contact from one to another but then i cant get back up for my other phone :(

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