Using Paragraph Borders and Backgrounds in Pages

Pages version 13.2 adds more option to create borders around paragraphs of text. You can use paragraph border and backgrounds for all sorts of interesting design effects in your Pages documents.

Comments: 6 Responses to “Using Paragraph Borders and Backgrounds in Pages”

    Steve Housley
    9 months ago

    Fascinating Gary...
    I haven't tried this, but I wonder whether other word processors (Microsoft Word) can read the functions?

    Kay Fisher
    9 months ago

    Same question. If you export as word does it look right in Microsoft land? I do my books in pages but have to export to Word for!

    9 months ago

    Kay: Not sure. You'll need to test and see.

    9 months ago

    Thx Gary. I realize this is not that important for the functionality, but since they gave us the option to add a background to a paragraph, would be nice to extend the feature to advanced background options, such as gradient, image etc.

    Ruth Jessop
    9 months ago

    I would like special paragraph borders such as Christmas ones. I had them in Microsoft word. Is there any chance that Pages will give us something like that please? I do a 4 page "Snippets" in Pages each month for our seniors group at our church and would love to be able to add that extra Christmassy feel

    9 months ago

    Ruth: Probably not. But you can always get clipart or use the evergreen tree shape a few times.

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