MacMost Now 825: Using Your iPad As a Second Display For Your Mac

By using the app Air Display, you can use your iPad as a second screen for your Mac. This can come in handy if you only occasionally need a second screen, or you want to have a second screen while traveling. You can also mirror your Mac's display on the iPad to make it easier for others to see what you ate doing. You can get Air Display at

Comments: 20 Responses to “MacMost Now 825: Using Your iPad As a Second Display For Your Mac”

    Joel Anderson
    12 years ago

    Isn't this for newer Macs only? Your write-up didn't mention.

      12 years ago

      You can see the system requirements on their web site. Only "Mac OS X 10.6, on an Intel CPU" so not just newer Macs. That would be Snow Leopard or after.

    John Russell
    12 years ago

    Might there be a way to use the iPad as the *single* display and keyboard for a Mac Mini? I need to be traveling where there will seldom be wifi, so would want to connect them physically.

      12 years ago

      I don't know of an app that uses a physical connection. But you probably could set up an adhoc wifi network on your Mac and try it that way. But I can't tell you whether it would work as the only display. Not sure how you would set it up. Try it and let us know if it works.

    Scott Pesetsky
    12 years ago

    Very interesting! Thanks for covering this functionality. As an attorney, helping clients with wills and trusts, this might allow me to offer paperless review of documents during meetings. hmmm.

    12 years ago

    Is there a cheaper alternative?

      12 years ago

      No sure. But if you already own a Mac and an iPad, I don't know if $10 is very expensive.

    12 years ago

    I do presentations from my MacBook Pro connected to a projector. I have wifi available. Could I use my iPad to advance the slide show on the computer, using this App?
    It would be great if I could take my iPad to the podium and still be able to control my computer!
    Thank you for all your suggestions!

      12 years ago

      You don't need this app to do that. Apple provides an app called Keynote Remote that does exactly what you want.

    12 years ago

    It can also work via Bluetooth, but it will be much slower than WIFI. This forum discussion has details:,15090

      12 years ago

      Are you saying I wouldn't need to buy an app? Just turn off the wifi and connect my iPad and computer via Bluetooth? How do I do that?

        12 years ago

        No. He is just saying that you can use this app with Bluetooth instead of wifi. It supports both.

    Wayne Garriepy
    12 years ago

    Hi Gary
    First of all, thanks for all you do.
    Have AirDisplay app and was told at the Apple store that I could make an ad-hoc Wacom drawing tablet out of my iPad with AD and project the drawing onto my iMac. I've done mirroring, but as yet, not the Wacom setup. My goal was to use the iPad as a surface where I would apply lines which would show up on the iMac screen as I drew. Using an app such as Sketchbook on the iMac directed through the iPad would be fabulous. Your input? Can do?

      12 years ago

      Sure, you can do it. But I don't see the point. Things will always be a little slow because you are feeding all that data across wifi. And the app you are using will be made for mouse/trackpad and keyboard, not touch. It would make much more sense to simply use an iPad drawing app.

    Kevin Grishkot
    12 years ago

    Is this limited to only 1 iPad? Or can you use more than one?

      12 years ago

      Never tried it with more than one. Seems to be a bit extreme to need more than one. Try it if you have two iPads and report back.

    Jill Wilke
    12 years ago

    My flat panel Mac at school is wearing out. I only have a four inch wide bit of screen from top to bottom that I can view. I want to get important documents off, so I don't have to redo all of them. Also, my district may not fix or replace this Mac. Is my computer too old to use with the iPad to let me access my docs? I don' know how old it is, but I'm guessing at least eight years old.

      12 years ago

      If you want to get the documents off, probably another technique will be better. I'd seek out the assistance of an IT pro to get the files -- there are many ways.

    12 years ago

    I have 2 MacBook Pros. Is it possible to use one as a second monitor for the other.

      12 years ago

      You could use screen sharing to mirror the screen. But it will be slow as it is over wifi. That's the only way I can think of.

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