What Do You Think Of the New iPad?

Today Apple announced the new iPad. This 3rd generation device includes a high resolution retina display, a faster A5X quad-core processor, 5MP/1080p rear-facing camera, and voice dictation capability. As well as a wifi-only version, there will be 4G LTE-capable versions. It comes out on March 16, and the iPad 2 will remain on sale for a reduced price. There are also new versions of Pages, Numbers, Keynote, iMovie and GarageBand, as well as a new iPhoto app. The new iPad will simply be called “The new iPad” not the iPad 3.
What do you think of the new iPad?

Comments: 36 Responses to “What Do You Think Of the New iPad?”

    13 years ago

    I'm upset Apple is continuing to update iWork for iOS devises but fails to update iWork for the Mac.

      13 years ago

      Actually, there have been updates to iWork for the Mac. Just not whole new versions. With the Mac App store, as with iOS apps, Apple seems not to be using versions anymore and not charging us for updates. For instance, Pages is now version 4.1 (July 2011). Keynote is version 5.1.1 (December 2011).

    Sam Britton
    13 years ago

    Well, I just bought an iPad 2 in December. Now, it's March and there's an iPad 3. Then in July there will be an iPad 4. And the beat goes on. What a racket. I'm happy with my iPad 2 and will continue to be there way - at least until something really exciting comes along. My display, processor, camera, and voice dictation are just fine for now.

      13 years ago

      I’m not sure, but I think Best Buy would let you exchange your “new” iPAD and then you pay what left over for the upgrade. Check on them.

      13 years ago

      iPad4 will not be there this year~

      You can trade in your iPad 2 for about $300 anyway.

    13 years ago

    couple of things

    1) Apple has set the standards so high with all its products.. anything less than amazing doesn't seem to excite us anymore.
    2) The romur mills have gotten so good that they are predicting the features/products well in advance with almost certanity.. this is leading to buzz kill leading to less excitement when the actual features/products are announced.

    Sven M
    13 years ago

    Yawn. It's great for people buying new devices, but not enough to inspire me to upgrade. I was really hoping for removable storage. I'd also like to see some kind of Website development app like RapidWeaver step up.

    Don Davidson
    13 years ago

    Not much exciting for me. I had also hoped for removal storage. I would like to see icloud like .me was so I can share amoung the Apple computers in my family not only on computers linked to the same user id.

    13 years ago

    i didn't like 3 things:
    1- It doesn't have a name!! they call it the "New IPAD"
    2- the hardware is faster and nicer to have but nothing new
    3- no WOW effect in anything they announced today.

      13 years ago

      I would disagree with you here, its good that it's called 'iPad' as the name and not iPad2 or 3. This is a safe option for all consumers, whether they buy the old version or new - no one can tell, except you.

      The fact its faster and a better quality screen - That's new! Your content should now look even better.

      The wow factor is surely the screen - what else could they do, its the clever apps that make the iPad IMO.

      13 years ago

      All the Macs and iPods have no such name as "MacBook Pro 3", even though they still have some generation codes.

    13 years ago

    Well, I actually am looking forward to getting one. I purchased an iPad1 4 months before the release of the iPad2. If I had waited until the iPad2, I probably wouldn't be impressed, but considering this will be much faster than my current iPad, I'm excited. I'm really looking forward to using it for my pictures, videos and Facetime.

    I do know someone with an iPad2, and she wasn't that impressed. But I think it's because she's very happy with the iPad2. I have a feeling many iPad2 users will not be that impressed, but I do think it will impresse people like me who stuck with the first iPad.

    13 years ago

    I think Apples development is great for all their products, shame everyone else has to copy. As we look at digital content everyday, its good that this iPad is getting better for our eyes.

    John Dyson
    13 years ago

    Don't think its worth the upgrade or the 70.00 price rise I will stick to my 1st generation for another year

    13 years ago

    iPad3 zzZZ
    All a bit predictable really with no Wow! factor. 1080p is fine but you're still only looking at a 10" screen. And if I want to shoot in HD I use a camera with a lens bigger than a pea. Both pointless upgrades
    Most exciting bit of news is the price drop for the iPad2 which might just kill off every wannabe tablet out there.

    13 years ago

    I love my iPad 1 - it's great, and the iPad 3rd gen is clearly even greater. But I can't justify upgrading though I'd would certainly like to. The retina display is a draw but it's the added horsepower of the quad-core A5X that most appeals to me. The iPad 1 isn't bad, speed-wise, but faster is better! I have a 4th gen iPod Touch - I wish Apple would upgrade the camera there - I'd be tempted to spring for that. Taking pictures with an iPad isn't something I can imagine doing much.

    13 years ago

    I wish they had a better front facing camera. I am excited about the new iPad and will purchase one.

    13 years ago

    They added a mike so you can dictate text, but didn't add Siri. What's that all about? Either Siri isn't catching on or there's some other Apple esoteric rule that has earmarked Siri for iPhone use only. Go figure...

    I bought the iPad 1 when it first came out and then bought the iPad 2 a few days after it
    came out. I'm less inclined to buy the New iPad (iPad 3 for most of us), unless my wife decides to take over my iPad 2 and use it regularly.

    And the idea that people will do serious photo editing on the iPad--are they serious? Most people never bother to move their photos from their camera. If Apple wanted to cater to that market, they would need to incorporate a simple interface to move photos from a flash card to the iPad. Otherwise, serious photographers will never think or bother to edit photos on the iPad.

      13 years ago

      Actually, iPads have always had microphones. Lots of apps use them.
      Siri is all about being an assistant on your phone. An iPad isn't a phone. It isn't connected all the time (to react to updates) and it relies on sending data back and forth between the Siri server and your iPhone. It just wouldn't work the same on an iPad or any non-phone device.
      Also: You can move photos from your camera to the iPad. Get the iPad camera connection kit. You can do it via USB or SD card.

    13 years ago

    I pre-ordered a new #iPad 3/HD that I could not resist! LOL I’ve waited three years for this.

    michael dowling
    13 years ago

    i have an imac desktop,but don't have an i pad yet.Thought i would wait for the ipad 3.First reaction is nothing very exiting!
    Where is the usb port and sd port ?
    will wait for a while before buying.Will see what the competition comes up with!Need to study inbiased reviews.

    13 years ago

    I'm disappointed enough to continue using my original iPad. Really wanted Siri over WiFi. I am interested in exploring the aspect of language recognition and actions based on understanding. Not a hint of what is planned for that. Wish it had been incorporated. Guess I wil wait for the first full featured tablet to incorporate speech recognition and buy that - even if it's not Apple.

    Pete Kroner
    13 years ago

    Where's Sirus?
    Why not???/

      13 years ago

      You mean Siri? See my comment about that in response to Phil.

    Daniel Gartin
    13 years ago

    Awesome, and ligtning fast with 4G LTE

    13 years ago

    I don't want it since it's heavier. I use mine for reading and games and the weight is a big issue for me. I'll wait for one with bluetooth for phone connectivity, USB and Siri. I love my iPad 2.

    13 years ago

    Like it, want it, and will buy one on the 1st day out!

    Cecil Strode
    13 years ago

    Still no USB port and no Mac Office. Without both of them it is still just a glitzy entertainment device. I finally gave up and bought my wife a MacBook Air. Maybe this is Apple's plan all along for the business community!

    Phil Jordan
    13 years ago

    I love my iPad 2 and what a price that is now!! The new iPad has the expected updates. I remember people complaining about the iPad 2 update not being enough, yet it is a brilliant product. I'm not planning to upgrade to the new one, but given the prices stay about the same as the previous model, who can complain when it gets an update and such a good screen! Only problem for Apple is they have made the iPad 2 even more appealing to the undecided with a big price drop. My next purchase might be a second iPad 2 for the kids to use.

    Bob B.
    13 years ago

    I bought my original iPad the first month they came out. I didnt see enough changes in the iPad 2 for me to justify spending the money. However, buying the new 3rd generation iPad is a no brainer for me. It's just too good to pass up.

    13 years ago

    I went a head and ordered both the new IPad and the new Apple TV! It was a little exciting but nothing just blew me away with excitement!

    I was really hoping for more memory and just waiting for a USB slot. My current Ipad2 (64MB) is already full of music videos and movies! 128 MB would have been nice!

    13 years ago

    Yes, just like Obermi said. I wish the new iPad have a USB slot and when external HD connected to it, data on it can accessed with iPad. They said we can't talk phone with the new iPad unless we have internet connection. With 3G connection, we can't talk phone with it.That's why most people from Asia don't buy it. They buy some Android device instead though iOS has lots of better features and other stuffs.

    13 years ago

    Mr. Rosenzweig I see where you're coming from in regards to Siri, but at the same time what about the people who get 4G service through there Telco providers for the New iPad? They WOULD be connected all the time. My opinion is the polar oppostie of yours, Siri would make much more sense on a tablet than a phone. It would be more of an asset to a tablet such as the New iPad rather than the iPhone. Since the tablet is suppposed to be more PC like, Siri would be better suited to it's capabilities rather than the iPhone.

    It would make that much more sense, because after all on a dedicated entertainment/surfing/email device Siri would have had more of a impact. Can't stand seeing those dumb Siri commercials for the iPhone 4S, they're on CONSTANTLY & then to think that Apple in it's infinite wisdom didn't give the much ballyhooed "New iPad" the feature. Like I said I understand full well your point, but that doesn't take into account the people who get the 4G service. They WOULD be connected all the time.

      13 years ago

      Actually, no. A 4G data connection is NOT the same as a mobile telephone service connection. It is not connected all the time unless you are using it. When put the iPad to sleep it is not connecting to mobile towers and it is not calculating your position. In fact the specs for the iPad vs iPad 4G show that you don't have the same GPS capability at all.
      Not to mention the fact that most iPads do not have 3G/4G -- the wifi is the best seller.
      I think if Apple put Siri on the iPad it would spark a wave of complaints from all sides about how it is missing features and doesn't work well on the iPad. Apple doesn't want to do that. They don't want to provide a worse Siri experience for iPad. They would rather only provide Siri where it can be a complete experience.

    13 years ago

    I have the 1st gen iPad, the resolution and speed differences are considerably better. I have no complaints.

    13 years ago

    Shame the about the price! I can buy 2 decent Android tablets for this!
    Pros and Cons(IMO):

    ipad / 2
    Pros: Nice quality screen & responsive to touch.

    Cons: Purchase price, free app avalabilty, Just a big screen iPhone apart from dock.

    Pros: Purchase price, choice of free apps, connectivity to external devices, does not look like a big Android phone
    Cons: Confusing brand choice, not so many funky gizmo apps.

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