What's New In the macOS Messages App In Big Sur

The Messages app has several new features in Big Sur, including inline replies, mentions, pinning conversations, custom icons and names for group conversations and more.

Comments: 22 Responses to “What's New In the macOS Messages App In Big Sur”

    Jeremy Brayshaw
    4 years ago

    Is there a way to include a CR (new paragraph) on the Mac? It uses a CR to actually send the message, which is sometimes annoying!

    4 years ago

    Jeremy: Option+Return.

    Stuart Main
    4 years ago

    I am wondering if the "pinned" people could be synced amongst all of my devices; iPhone, iPad, and MBA?

    4 years ago

    Stuart: No, I don't think so. But it is pretty easy to pin. And maybe you'd want different pinned conversations depending on the device.

    Jon Shearer
    4 years ago

    Gary -
    I tried to name a group of 4 persons.
    When I selected "Details...", Details did not present me with the "Change Group Name and Photo" option.
    What gives"
    I'm at macOS 11.0.1.

    4 years ago

    Jon: Not sure. I may have to do with the people in the group, maybe the person who started it, and whether it is iMessages or SMS.

    4 years ago

    hey Gary, just checking if you've also experienced this. Typically, in past versions, as you start to type the recipient's name, once it appears, all you had to do is hit the return key and it would accept that name. In this latest version, when the name appears, if I hit return it doesn't fill in that name, it just returns a blank entry, so I have to select it with a mouse.

    4 years ago

    nick: Typing the recipients name WHERE, exactly? If I start a new conversation, type a couple of letters of the name until a suggestion appears, and press Return, I get the full name added. But maybe you mean in another place in Messages?

    4 years ago

    should have specified...in the recipient's field, your answer suggests that yours is behaving the way it should, in my case, when the suggested name appears, hitting Return doesn't add that name, but selecting it with the mouse, it does add it

    Judy Eastwood
    4 years ago

    Re responding in-line to an earlier text in a string in Messages, none of the methods you demonstrated works for me. Big Sur 11.0.1

    4 years ago

    Judy: Is the conversation in iMessages or an SMS conversation? I'd imagine that plain SMS doesn't support this kind of advanced functionality.

    Otto Vay
    4 years ago

    Hi there Gary,
    How to make the option "images/animated GIF" appear on the menu. I found nothing related in Preferences, can you give me a help?
    Greetings from Brazil!

    4 years ago

    Otto: Are you sure you are using the latest macOS? Or maybe it is different in other countries?

    4 years ago

    I am not able to “Change Group Name and Photo,” it is not offered nor am I able to add "Add Member". Can you figure out why. I do have Big Sur 11.1 Thank you

    4 years ago

    Nancy: Probably has to do with whether the group members are using iMessage or SMS.

    4 years ago

    In previous Messages, you could click on the details of a contact/conversation and see photos or files from that chat. That capability seems to have gone away with details only showing contact information. Any idea where the photos/files that were sent in previous messages are easily found? I know they exist in user-->library-->messages-->attachments... but that folder structure is tedious.

    4 years ago

    Markus: I still see photos and files. When you bring up the details, are you scrolling down? They are under the contact info.

    4 years ago

    Thanks for following up Gary, they photos and files aren't there for me. Perhaps the data is still back filling as it was a few years worth of attachments. Good to know that you're seeing it and it's not an intentional design/UX change.

    Tom D
    3 years ago

    thanks for the tips on updated messages. i'm wondering if there is a way to delete or set 'read' to more that one message/conversation at a time. i've googled this and i don't see anyone talking about it. i guess if i sync to all my devices this would would set do this form me. but can you do it when not syncing to other devices?

    3 years ago

    Tom: I don't think there is a way to delete more than one at a time.

    Debi Brening
    3 years ago

    delete multiple imessages on Mac
    I've got hundreds and can't delete one than one at a time.
    How do you select multiple messages on a Mac?
    On your Mac, do any of the following:
    1. Select an item: Click the item.
    2. Select multiple items: Press and hold the Command key, then click the items (they
    don't need to be next to each other).
    3. Select multiple items that are adjacent: Click the first item, then press the Shift key
    and click the last item.
    Nothing worked! UGG!!

    3 years ago

    Debi: I assume you mean conversations, not messages. You can't select more than one conversation at a time. One thing to consider is not to worry about deleting them. I have tons of old conversations that are a message or two from a service or two-factor code. I just ignore them. The only conversations I care about are at the top.

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