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Right Click to add address straight to group?

is there such a setting to allow you to right click on an address and have the drop down give you the option to add to a certain “group”? i know it ask to add to contacts – but then you have to go back in and drag/drop to group – where’s the time saver in that? if you can perform this ‘straight to group click’, can you shift and highlight more than one address to add several at once?

— new2mac

Comments: One Response to “Right Click to add address straight to group?”

    15 years ago

    I'm pretty sure Automator's pre-made drag and drop actions are not enough to do something that specific. But you should be able to do it with AppleScript -- inside Automator or just using the AppleScript editor to build it. You would need programming knowledge, unless there is a sample script out there already that does it.
    I found this page, which has a lot about AppleScript and Address Book:

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