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How To Transcribe Audio On a Mac
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Thanks bunches
Love this video and the new thing I've learned for you, kind Sir! I've followed your video and used it a an example and it workd out wonderfully! I also am a patreon subscriber and invite everyone to join!! I also picked up a cap just like yours and have shared the web-sight with everyone and anyone who asks Mac related questions!! Thank you very much and G-D bless!!
Lawrence: 😀 Thanks for your support!
As a new Mac user - life long pc guy - I appreciate these videos immensely. Thanks to your help, my thoughts have gone from "frack I hate how Apple does this..." to "Oh damn this is cool" and "OK now I understand how to search directories etc." Never knew about the services tab until now :)
Thanks much!
Gary, thank you so much! This will help me (and others) so much. Thank you for MacMost and your Patreon site.
This is great, but the paragraph breaks that are indicated clearly in the Voice Memos transcriptions do not transfer when I perform a copy and paste.
I'm left with one big paragraph in BBEdit. Very difficult to deal with when you have a long transcription!
Notes at least accepts the paragraph breaks but not the line spacing between the paragraphs. Again, not good.
Any idea how to preserve the paragraph breaks?
Bob: Experiment. Try things. When I try TextEdit it understands the paragraphs fine. Pages too. Paragraph spacing would be the result of formatting, which Notes doesn't have much of. But you can do it in Pages, Word or any word processor.
Greetings again Mr. Gary,
I noticed a problem with the transcription method or shortcut you discovered. While it indeed does work (and very well too) I'm only able to use it once (both in "voice notes" and "Notes") :-( Once completed you have to either re-start your Mac or Log out of your profile and then you can use it again, after which you'll have to again repeat the process ;-( You'll get a message (in the voice memo app) it says, "No Internet connection etc... Hope this helps!
Lawrence: Not sure why that is happening to you, sorry. Have you tried other things, like simply restarting the app, or turning off and on WiFi?
Yes, I have, Seems strange to me as well. I have both a wi-fi and an ethernet connection and two profiles, I'm running a Mac Mini with 8 gigs of ram and a terabyte drive. maybe it's something there?? The instructions you provided work w/o problem until I repeat the process as stated in the first post (please disregard the post as it somehow was copied (my bad) I apologize :-( Thank you for all you do and I'm grateful for and to you kind sir!!
Problem solved (I think) the problem was that it was looking for icloud. I switched to my test profile and logged out then back in (only using wi-fi connection) and then ran the transcription test both with voice memo and notes and it worked with both! Then switched back to my main profile not changing the wi-fi connection or plugging in the Ethernet wire. and made a few transcripts with both voice memos and Notes and both worked every time! So, it was the voice and Notes looking for I Cloud!
Thank you for this. I was so excited to hear this was a new capability. I opened Voice Memo and the feature is not there :(. I'm running Mac OS 15.3 Beta. Voice Memo Version 3.1. Any ideas?
Brian: Does you Mac meet the requirements I show in the video?
Oh shoot. Missed the Apple silicon requirement. Thanks for the quick reply Gary.
Very useful video Gary.. I am wondering if I can use this to make a transcription of a YouTube video. I know YouTube does that but it is really badly formatted if I try to copy and paste from YouTube. Often, I am looking a video where someone is describing how to do particular steps in Photoshop. I want a text version of those steps.
Ed: It will be difficult because first you'd need to download the video, then convert to audio. Lots of steps, including using some questionable apps/extensions for the download.
It can be done (I'm doing it) as Gary advised it takes a few steps however, it can be done ;-) Thank Gary as I totally enjoy your offerings both free and through the Patron campaign ;-) I'm very pleased with both and I've learned quite a bit from your services, thank you and G-d Bless ;-)
I have sequoia 15.3 but the transcribe doesnt work on my imac. How can I avail from it?
Xavier:Did you check the requirements I show at the start of the video?