How To Use the Redesigned iOS 18 Photos App

The iOS 18 Photos app has the same features as before, but it puts all collections on one long screen along with your entire library. You can get to whatever section you want by scrolling up or down, and customize what is included.

Comments: 22 Responses to “How To Use the Redesigned iOS 18 Photos App”

    Jim Terrinoni
    1 month ago

    Excellent! You are so consistent in delivering some nuggets of info that will save us a LOT of time. Just one example: too often I look for a photo by tapping on it, reviewing the date then, scrolling up or down. NOW I think that process will be much faster. Keep up the clear communications and hard work (still boggles my mind how you accomplish all this.)

    Andy P
    1 month ago

    Great info - very helpful! Is there any way to sync albums among all Apple devices (mac, phone, ipad) with my user ID? All devices are using Photos in icloud. If someone else shares an album with me, I can see it on all devices. But if I create an album, shared or not, it is only visible on the device that created it. All OS/software is updated and I've got 1.5TB of icloud space left.

    1 month ago

    Andy: Yes, that's exactly what iCloud Photos does. Sounds like you don't have it turned on. Check on Mac in Photos, Settings, iCloud. Check on iPhone and iPad in Settings, Apps, Photos.

    Andy P
    1 month ago

    Sorry, that wasn't clear - of course icloud Photos is turned on for all devices; I can see all the photos on all the devices. Shared albums is selected too, on all devices. What I can't see on the mac are *albums* created on the iphone, and vice versa. This includes shared albums.

    1 month ago

    Andy: You should see the same albums on all devices. They are all using the same Apple ID, correct?

    Pavel Tuzov
    1 month ago

    I love Days layout so much, and in iOS 18 it's gone. This is one of the main reasons I still haven't upgraded my devices to the latest software. I wonder if Apple will bring Days layout back. Do you happen to know any 3rd party applications for Photos app that has Days layout?

    1 month ago

    Pavel: isn’t the “Recent Days” feature that I mention in the video the same thing?

    Linda Deedy
    1 month ago

    I am finding that the search function in the updated photos does not work for me like the old one did. I need to search by what I have put in the captions section. I am getting only a fraction of what I know is there. Do you have any idea why and what I can do to make it work better for me?

    1 month ago

    Linda: The search function should work the same as before, with maybe a few more things it can find. What types of things are you search for? I can find things based on dates, locations, people, and objects or concepts in the photos (like "waterfall" or "smile").

    Pavel Tuzov
    1 month ago

    Gary: No, this section was next to months and years views in main library view.

    Linda Deedy
    1 month ago

    I do Zentangle. It has names for patterns, i.e. flux or hollibaugh. When I do a project and take a photo I put the names of the patterns in the captions for easy searching. Let's say I have 50 with "flux" in the caption. I used to get them all to show up. Now, I get maybe 10 to show up. I see 4 options to click on with varying numbers of photos. None of them are what I used to get when I searched. It's just very frustrating.

    1 month ago

    Pavel: Ok, but did you look at the "Recent Days" section? Does it not work for you? If not, why not? What would you want that is different?

    1 month ago

    Linda: Not sure why it isn't working for you. If I search for a word in my captions, I get the correct results.

    Linda Deedy
    1 month ago

    I’m not sure why, either. Is there a way to search words in captions only? And not get all the other photos where it finds similar words on a page? That might help.

    1 month ago

    LindaL You would type the word and then select from the list that appears under it, so I think an "Aa" is for keywords and a little square with lines inside for image text, not sure what it is for captions. Also, consider using keywords for your situation instead of captions as that may apply more based on your description.

    Christine MacDonald
    1 month ago

    Hi Gary

    I went through all of my photo's app and everything looks like yours except no trip photo's are showing in the trips and I have a few, thanks.

    1 month ago

    Christine: it just probably hasn’t identified them as such.

    1 month ago

    Thanks bunches

    Andrea Grasselli
    4 weeks ago

    Thank you Gary; this look into the new way of organizing things in Photos is useful for me.

    Anne Burke
    4 weeks ago

    You really are a gem Gary. Thank you so much for shining a bright light on what was for me a very dark upgrade. Now I understand. Thank you soooo much.

    Jim Goddard
    4 weeks ago

    Excellent overview of the Photos app and its new features.

    Mark McCluski
    1 week ago

    This is exactly what I needed to get a handle on this! Being one of your subscribers has been so beneficial!

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