31 Mission Control Tips

Here are some tips for using Mission Control, a macOS feature that allows you to create multiple Desktop Spaces to make it feel like you have more than one display.

Comments: 11 Responses to “31 Mission Control Tips”

    Lazer Weinberger
    2 months ago

    You forgot to mention that you can also change the wallpaper of each individual desktop space.

    Thank you again and again for your awesome videos.

    Jim Terrinoni
    2 months ago

    An abundance of information - Thank you.

    David Hopson
    2 months ago

    Many thanks. Superb content as ever.

    Particularly useful to see how Mission Control works on all 3 control surfaces: keyboard, trackpad and mouse.

    Robert Dettman
    2 months ago

    Thanks for this; Mission Control has always been a mystery to me.
    I want a desktop with two Pages documents open, but when I open the second one, it replaces the first. You have several finder windows open, so there must be a way.
    Thanks for any help.

    2 months ago

    Robert: Exactly two? Then use Split View. https://macmost.com/mac-basics-how-to-use-split-view.html

    Luis Toledo
    2 months ago

    Thank for your videos they are really helpful to me.
    Related to mission control and launchpad, you know if there is anyway, as you do with mission control to get the launchpad for multiple displays?. Thanks in advance.
    I hope this is the right place to suggest a video with tips for multiple display users.
    Thanks again!.

    2 months ago

    Luis: Do you mean like LaunchPad stretched across both displays? No way to do that. It probably wouldn't be useful as it would just stretch out the grid and make it harder to launch an app that is far away from the pointer. And not any easier if you use LaunchPad like I do to search and launch quickly.
    As for a video on multiple displays: https://macmost.com/productivity-series-multiple-screens-and-desktops.html

    Larry Wayte
    2 months ago

    Yikes, no wonder I don't use Mission Control -- it's overwhelming. I would be tempted to use it if I could rename the desktops to remind me what's in each ("Finance," "Music," "Work", etc.). I can't imagine why they wouldn't include that feature as it seems it would instantly make it so much more comprehensible. Also, are the desktops preserved when restarting or would I have to re-create them again from scratch? Thanks for your videos!

    2 months ago

    Larry: The problem with naming them is they are dynamic. It is easy to add and remove them. Spending time to name them would mean frustration as they would be easy to remove, and then you would lose the name. Desktops would remain if you need to restart, yes.

    Polly Kronenberger
    4 weeks ago

    What is the benefit of using multiple desktops? Why go through all this trouble?

    3 weeks ago

    Polly: It isn't for everyone. Some people like to have some windows on one desktop and some on another and switch between them instead of a ton of overlapping windows on one desktop. If you like it, it really isn't any "trouble" at all, but quite the opposite.

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