MacMost Now 203: Ten Ways To Do Slideshows On Your Mac

Take a look at 10 different ways you can turn a set of images into a quick slideshow on your Mac.

Comments: 18 Responses to “MacMost Now 203: Ten Ways To Do Slideshows On Your Mac”

    16 years ago

    Aperture has a ton of slideshow features. You can choose how many photos you want on the screen and the duration. Works for either photos within an album or folder (or any selection).

    16 years ago

    Another easy way to do a slideshow is using Preview. Open all of the images you want in the show at the same time in Preview. The bottom choice under the View dropdown menu is Slideshow. It lets you add an image to iPhoto from the menu at the bottom of the slideshow.

    Micha David
    16 years ago

    Front row is another great tool for watching photos slide show.
    You can even relax and use the remote control.

    neelesh Kale
    16 years ago

    how to create slide show if i am adding pictures to the folder as i shoot?

      16 years ago

      Not sure what you are asking. You can use any one of the suggested slideshow methods.

      16 years ago

      I believe neelesh is talking about the same thing I am looking for.

      That is how to create a slide show that will present all the pictures in a specific folder, but also continue to 'self-update' so that if I add new photos to that folder while the slideshow is running it will include those new photos in the show loop as well.

      I am specifically looking to do this for my wedding where we will set up a photobooth using a Nikon connected to my mac. That way a slideshow can be projected with live updates reflecting recently taken photos from the booth. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

        16 years ago

        I've seen this done at conferences, but I'm not sure what software they use. I'd imagine it could be done any number of ways. If you had an eye-fi card, you could even have the pictures go from the camera directly to the slideshow wirelessly as you shoot.
        Perhaps the solution is to simply use a screen saver that pulls images from a folder.

    13 years ago

    Your videos are fantastic. I am going to try some of the methods you mentioned as I am unable to use "Slide Show" in iPhoto 9. Used to work, not now.

    13 years ago

    Gary, I don't have the little arrow that brings up the drop down window that shows preferences for slide shows. I only have the + i the 2 arrows. Anything I can do?

      13 years ago

      Can you be more specific? Which of the 10 methods in the video are you trying to use? Also, which version of whatever it is you are trying to use do you have (OS X, iPhoto, etc).

    Jason Larsen
    13 years ago

    For slideshows I find another good option to be dedicated slideshow software such as Photo to Movie or Fotomagico.

    John Joseph
    13 years ago

    Loop slide show on AppleTV. I've created a slide show with music in iPhoto. I have a 1st generation AppleTV and I was hoping to play the slide show as a loop via the AppleTV. While the show plays in a loop on the computer, it doesn't on AppleTV. Any thoughts? Do I need to recreate this in Keynote? Will a Keynote show play as a loop on AppleTV?

      13 years ago

      That's got me stumped. Keynote won't help as you'd need to export as a video to play it on Apple TV, so you end up in the same place.
      You could always create a video that has the slideshow 10 times in a row. That gets you closer.
      A search turned up this:

    13 years ago

    I can create the slideshow with 3 music files on iphoto, but when I try to export it into quick time player so others can view it, it only repeats the first song. How can I add the other 2 songs for the slideshow? Also, how do I add the captions, as well?

      13 years ago

      Never tried to add multiple songs. I'm pretty sure iPhoto will only let you use one. For that and captions, maybe try iMovie or Keynote (best).

    13 years ago

    What is the difference between iMovie and iDVD? I am making a slideshow for my sister's wedding and want to make copies for family etc. She doesn't want any music she just wants it to be playing (in a loop) in the background. Any suggestions?


      13 years ago

      iMovie is the app you can now buy in the Mac App Store that lets you edit video. iDVD is the old app (no longer for sale) that lets you take a finished video and build a DVD from it that can play in DVD players.
      Are you looking to build a DVD? If you have an old copy of iDVD, then you can use that to do what you want. Otherwise, you can get some DVD software in the Mac App Store that can do it.

        13 years ago

        I have both programs on my macbook, I wasnt really sure which one to use. I am not looking to make a movie, more of a slide show. iDVD seems more user friendly so far... thanks for the reply!

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