37 Secret Features of the Mac Keyboard

There is a ton of hidden functionality in the Mac keyboard that can unleash productivity power when you know about them. Learn how to type special characters, find hidden menu items, navigate around on the screen and so much more.

Comments: 11 Responses to “37 Secret Features of the Mac Keyboard”

    9 months ago

    Simply amazing. One of the most useful videos I have ever seen. I already knew some of these, but never took the time to see all the possibilities you presented. Great job!

    9 months ago

    Thanks bunches as I enjoy always going back to the basics

    9 months ago

    Here’s a hotkey I’ve not seen documented anywhere.

    When Numbers or TextEdit you can display a list of suggested words by holding down the option and escape keys. Type ‘the’ and then hold the option and escape keys. A listbox appears displaying words starting with ‘the’. The word ‘therefore’ appears, for example.

    Pages had this feature. A few years ago, the hotkey in Pages disappeared.

    Quite by accident I found the hotkey in Pages!

    In Pages use the hotkey combination function and F5.

    J Perry Arnott
    9 months ago

    Truly your best/most useful video yet. Is there an age limit beyond which these items might not go? I use an Apple Extended Keyboard II (aka the world's greatest keyboard) and the Unicode method doesn't seem to do anything. Also, I re-assigned the caps lock key to be my fn key, since I don't have a physical one, but it doesn't seem to do anything. Whatever else, the keyboard stays (cold, dead, heands, etc.) but these methods would be really useful. Thanks, Gary.

    9 months ago

    J: Sorry, I don't have one to test so I can't tell you either way.

    8 months ago

    Is there a way to move the focus to the right side of the menu bar so that I can scroll through the status icons from the control panel?

    8 months ago

    Jonathan: System Settings, Keyboard, Keyboard Shortcuts, "Keyboard" section. Turn on "Move focus to status menus" and confirm the keys to use there,

    8 months ago

    Gary I tried that before commenting. It gets me to the right section on the menu but when I arrow right once it takes me to the second icon (ClipTools) when I arrow right a second or third or forth time (I have an extended keyboard) it does not move to the next icon.

    8 months ago

    Jonathan: Sounds like there is an item that doesn't want to allow keyboard control. You can always reorganize to put those further to the right I suppose.

    8 months ago

    I played around with this and it looks like if I place the non native Apple status icons (Dropbox, ClipTools) at the leftmost position in the menu bar, the right and left arrow keys will allow me to select them, and in fact I can use the left and right arrow keys to switch back and forth between these icons. However the arrow keys will not allow me to select a native Apple status icon. If I use the right arrow key to try to highlight a native Apple icon the left arrow key no longer works.

    3 weeks ago

    I am searching for keyboard shortcuts for iOS Monterey (macbook pro)

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