10 Ways To Customize the Look Of macOS Big Sur

There are more options than ever for customizing how macOS looks with Big Sur. The Menu Bar and windows get their color from the desktop, but you can also set them to ignore that. You can change the way sidebar icons and other elements look as well.

Comments: 13 Responses to “10 Ways To Customize the Look Of macOS Big Sur”

    Russ Winkler
    4 years ago

    Thanks for the quick overview. The date and time stamp on the top right in my menu bar is a grey color and very hard to see for a lot wallpapers. Is there a way to make it stand out, like a black color? Sys Pref's > Accessibilty> Display didn't seem to help. I have a late 2014 MacBook Pro with Retina Display. I had another question, I was a dragging a file and dropped it by mistake on the right side toolbar area in Finder. Now I can't seem to remove the file. How can I remove the file? Thanks.

    4 years ago

    System Preferences, Accessibility, Display, Increase Contrast should make it white with black text. Doesn't it do that for you? Then turn on Dark Mode and you have white text on black, exactly what you want. To remove a file from the Finder toolbar, hold the Command key down, click and drag it down.

    4 years ago

    Gary, unless I missed it, looks like the max number of world clocks to display in the widgets is 4? I think in the previous OS I had 6.

    4 years ago

    nick: In one widget? 4. But you can add more than one. Try adding the individual small squares with one clock. Add a bunch of those.

    4 years ago

    Using MacBook Air [2017] 128gb with 74gb free_will upgrading to Sur take up much more space?
    Do I need to upgrade hard-drive?

    4 years ago

    I haven't heard that Big Sur is any more or less space than Catalina. Either way, the other option is to stay at Catalina, which would mean your Mac is stuck in 2019 from now on. Go for the new design and features you paid for when you bought you Mac.

    Ray Alston
    4 years ago

    Hi Gary, and thanks for an excellent presentation (by the way, I can only visualise this page via YouTube) the other link seems not to work for me. My question... In Accessibility the "increase contrast" has improved the screen in all windows; however, Chrome tabs appear with black type on a brown background and is more or less illegible... is this fixable ? Many thanks.

    4 years ago

    Ray: Sounds like a bug in Chrome. It would be up to Google to fix that.

    4 years ago

    Don't like the UI gray over gray stuff. Such as the ToolBar portion of Safari. Every thing is some gradient of gray which just doesn't make anything like text stand out. Not so apparent on a bigger screen but on a 13 inch Macbook its really bad. Yes I suppose you can address this with accessibility options or just switch to Dark mode. But it's probably the first time I am not happy with how the default UI looks.

    3 years ago

    A. I can't DE-SELECT the Reduce Transparency checkbox at System Preferences > Accessibility > Display > Display > Reduce Transparency.
    On my new Mac Mini running BS, the Reduce Transparency is checked and dimmed......so not changeable by me. Why?

    B. I've seen the GUI on Macs since the 80s. I really dislike BS's FAINT GREY text and icons! Interface and text is so hard to see..and discern.
    I definitely have turned ON the Increased Contrast!

    3 years ago

    PSMacintosh: Reduce Transparency is automatically on if you are using Increase Contrast. Is it a part of that feature.

    3 years ago

    Is there some developer that's created some tweak to fix this menu UI issue in Big Sur?

    3 years ago

    Aquaboy4ever: What is "this menu UI issue?"

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