New Settings You Can Customize In macOS Sonoma

There are a few new System Settings and app settings you should know about in macOS Sonoma.

Comments: 12 Responses to “New Settings You Can Customize In macOS Sonoma”

    9 months ago

    Thanks bunches

    9 months ago

    One item that you discussed was to increase the font size - specifically in System Settings/Accessibility/Display/Text Size/Mail ... I set my to Arial size 10 - so when I compose an e mail it automatically defaults to 10 - which is what I want. Unfortunately I have difficulties seeing size 10 on my screen (MacBook Pro) - is there any way that I can increase the magnification of the letters (say to 14) and keeping the actual compose font size to 10. Without degrading the screen resolution?

    9 months ago

    Mike: If you can't see size 10, then why are you composing emails in that size?

    Chris Phillips
    9 months ago

    Thanks for the update Gary. I listened to it all and in my dotage (87) shall never be able to remember any of it. I'll try though !

    9 months ago

    A setting that has been removed in Sonoma is the switch for Auto Save. I turned off Auto Save a couple of years ago and now I want to turn it back on, but can't. There must be a parameter I can control with the DEFAULTS command in Terminal. Does anyone know what it is?

    9 months ago

    Gerry: Do you mean "Ask to keep changes when closing documents?" That's in System Settings, Desktop & Dock.

    9 months ago

    Thanks Gary. Yes, that's the setting I was looking for.

    Don Cadwallader
    9 months ago

    Regarding the deleting of dynamic wallpapers and desktops, after I turned these off, and as a matter fact after shutting down my iMac entirely, I noticed a big improvement in my TV streaming services’ speed and video quality. I had not realized what a bandwidth hog my new Sonoma OS had caused!

    8 months ago

    Regarding the display of Widgets: I would like them to be restricted to Desktop 1. Is that possible? If not, do you think that is a good addition to propose?

    8 months ago

    Paul: No, you can't do that. There is only ONE "Desktop." When you create a new Desktop Space in Mission Control, you are seeing the same one Desktop on that Space as well. The only difference is the app windows. The one-and-only Desktop itself is shown on all Desktop Spaces. So to change this macOS would need to have multiple Desktops. Seems like a good idea but then you'd have to manage everything: what is available on which Desktop. So it would make some people happy and confuse the heck out of others. Consider what would happen if you set up Desktop 1 like you want, then Desktop 2 like you want, then delete Desktop 1? Or should there be a whole system of saving Desktops? It gets complex very fast.

    7 months ago

    Thanks for all this information, Gary! I just tried Stage Manager in Sonoma with the open apps on the side of the screen. At first it was OK as I could still see the apps. Only problem is that when I tried to plug in & open an external drive, it doesn't show on the desktop, and I can't easily move files from iCloud Drive into the external folders, as iC vanished. Too messy a process for me. I like clear drag n drop without much effort. Also, the browser vanished! I think I'll go Zen on this one.

    7 months ago

    Kerrie: Instead of putting the drive icon on the Desktop, just drag and drop into the drive in the Finder sidebar.

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