13 Tips For Getting the Most From the Safari Sidebar

The Safari Sidebar is a useful tool for quick access to tabs, bookmarks, your reading list and more. You can activate it in a variety of ways and there are hidden features as well.

Comments: 2 Responses to “13 Tips For Getting the Most From the Safari Sidebar”

    Roy Whelden
    4 months ago

    I have to say that I've never gotten offline reading in Safari to work.

    David Taenzer
    4 months ago

    I still don’t understand why you can easily edit the Reading List on the iPhone and iPad but not on the Mac. If you want to remove items from the reading list on the Mac you only have the options of removing them on at a time with the context menu or clearing out all of them. This is much better on the other devices and I hope they add the edit feature future versions.

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