MacMost Now 494: 2010 Apple Year In Review

Take a look back at 2010 Apple news. The year saw record financial quarters, sales growth, the launch of the iPad and iPhone 4 as well as controversy around App Store policies and the iPhone 4's antenna.

Comments: 11 Responses to “MacMost Now 494: 2010 Apple Year In Review”

    14 years ago

    I don't suppose you could have waited until....I don't years was closer me crazy...Christmas was already over with before you did a year-in-review.

      14 years ago

      Well many (most?) news outlets have done year-in-reviews already. I'm actually late compared to a lot of major tech publications. Apple doesn't usually announce anything big over the holidays anyway.

    14 years ago

    Hi Gary, Thanks for all the great info! Just wondering why you didn't mention the updated iPod Touch?

      14 years ago

      No reason. I tried my best to make it comprehensive, but I didn't want the video to run too long.

        14 years ago

        Thanks Gary. I always learn something from your podcast; much appreciated!

    Chris M
    14 years ago

    I really enjoy/appreciate your podcasts. Your clear, concise explanations really simplify the problem at hand. Do you have a contribution option for your site?

      14 years ago

      Contribution? You mean like a donation? No. I don't do that. If you like the site, you can support it indirectly by buying the book ( or some of my iPhone games ( Other than that, just help by spreading the word about the site. I get paid by the advertisers, so the more people that visit the site the more reward I see for doing MacMost. Thanks.

    G Tyler
    14 years ago

    Nice job as usual. I just ordered your book for a relative that will be switching to Mac soon. Amazon is selling it for $13.59 right now. How about an episode on video chat options? Facetime vs. Skype vs. Fring, etc. Skype doesn't have mobile device support, Facetime doesn't have PC support. Fring is the only one with mobile device support (Droid) but who wants to get all their relatives to install that bad software? Maybe Skype will finally get their act together when the iPad 2 launches...

      14 years ago

      Thanks! I don't use video chat that often. When I do, it is between two Macs, so we just use iChat. I've done FaceTime a few times too. I suppose if Skype gets video chat on the iPhone it will be the clear winner. A lot of people use Skype.

        G Tyler
        14 years ago

        Guess what just happened a few minutes ago? Skype released video support for the iOS devices!! What a coincidence. Now I can video chat with my parents without running to the computer. The iPod Touch in my pocket means that I'm always available - well, if I'm on WiFi.

        I use iChat too between Macs (usually over Bonjour at home), which brings up a question - why Apple hasn't created an iOS version or it?

        My mom is not on a Mac yet and Skype was the only client I could get to work. I tried AIM with iChat and MSN Messenger but it wouldn't work.

    14 years ago

    Got Apple TV as a gift over Christmas, blew me away, amazing product, if you have netflix.

    I have bought another one as a gift since its so inexpensive.

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