4 Ways To Create Graphics on Your Mac Without Third-Party Apps

If you just need to create simple graphics and don't have a third-party app installed or the skills needed to use complex software, you can always use Pages, Keynote, Freeform or Preview. All of those come with your Mac.

Comments: 4 Responses to “4 Ways To Create Graphics on Your Mac Without Third-Party Apps”

    4 months ago

    Thanks bunches

    3 months ago

    Loved this comparison. Clear and concise and useful as are all your videos. Thank you!! 🙏 Question… For someone who’s quite adept with Keynote tools, can you suggest a 3rd party graphics app without a steep learning curve? Thx!!

    3 months ago

    Paige: Seems that Pixelmator Pro is the clear answer now. Since Apple is acquiring it, the skills you'll get in learning that will probably pay off in lots of ways.

    Jeanne Bragg
    3 months ago

    This is great. As always, I learned a couple of new things and I consider myself Mac proficient (thanks to you)!
    I didn't know you could remove the background that easily (in the past I used Instant Alpha) and that's a great time saver, plus the command D key to save directly to the desktop.
    Thanks bunches.

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