40 Years Of Mac: A Timeline

This month marks the 40th anniversary of the first Mac in 1984. Here is a timeline of all of the models produced, versions of macOS, and other milestones.
Video transcript available soon.

Comments: 12 Responses to “40 Years Of Mac: A Timeline”

    10 months ago

    Thanks bunchrs

    Ellen Lerner
    10 months ago

    Nice history. In 1984,my husband’s radiology department gave all the medical docs the first Mac computer. I said to him what will we do with it? Now we are too dependent on it and cannot live without both the computer and iPhone.

    Philip Christopher Davis Sr.
    10 months ago

    I bought a Macintosh in January or February, 1984. I still have it.

    10 months ago

    I’ve been using Macs since 1 may 1986.

    10 months ago

    Thanks! What a history! I feel like a babe. I was a Windows Intel user until 2014 when the MacBook Air stole forever since my focus that is to say computer OS wise.

    Ed Adams
    10 months ago

    Brings back memories. I ran one of the first computer stores selling the original Apple 2 and was running a store in Santa Barbara in 1984 when the Mac was released. The biggest issue we had in those days was our supply was limited but they were great. We sold IBM Pcs in the store also but apple was the favorite, especially for creative and education. I was on the Apple and PC dealer advisor boards. As a result, I really got to know a lot of the Apple pioneers. Fun times!

    10 months ago

    I had the VERY first one!!! YAY!!!

    Barbara Lindemann
    9 months ago

    The timeline is that now folks do not communicate with their children, relatives, friends as much as they have their fingers on the keys. Yes, now we all feel we need this equipment, but really life was more pleasant without it.

    Jan Buitendijk
    9 months ago

    I still have my Mac classic and it’s still working

    Warren Grafer
    9 months ago

    Bought the first Mac early 1984 with carry-case and ImageWriter printer for a grand total of $3500. Loved it! Even bought Apple stock! Shortly afterward Apple raised memory from 128 to 512. Contacted Apple and asked about an upgrade; they laughed and said 'buy a new one'. Got PO'd at Apple, sold my Apple stock (at$26) and put my Mac into storage where it still sits. Guess I showed them!!!

    Mark Weinrib
    9 months ago

    That was a really fun and awesome video!

    9 months ago

    Wrote my first book on an Apple IIe. Still have it. Our sons learned math with Math Blaster and loved it. Now I get calls from my grandsons from their Apple Watches. Mind boggling really.

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