I’m trying to find the best way to archive video footage from iMovie that isn’t used as often anymore (such as when mt daughter was an infant), but have a way to make it available if I want to use it in a future project. For example, archive everything from 2007 to a data DVD, then later insert the disc, import some of the clips, and add them to my project.
— Lou Valencia
I just look in the Movies folder and grab both the Events subfolders and the projects files. Archive those and then delete them from your drive. I found that when I put them back, iMovie picked them up again without a problem. But I could also go into the Events folders on the CD and grab individual videos if I needed, of course.
So, how do you get these items onto a data disk? Would you use Disk Utility? I always just back them up using TM and also on a sperate external hard drive...
You could just insert a blank disc and do it in the Finder. Once you let the Finder handle the disk, you can drag stuff to it, and then view it as a folder. Then after you have the stuff in there, burn it. Look up "Burning a CD or DVD in the Finder" in the Finder help.