iCloud Drive Public File Sharing

A new feature in High Sierra is the ability to share single files with other people. You can choose to share with specific people, or anyone with the link. You can choose to allow others to just view, or also edit the file. This could be a good way to collaborate, or just to distribute a file to many people.

Comments: 22 Responses to “iCloud Drive Public File Sharing”

    7 years ago

    Can you share a folder?

    7 years ago

    Russ: No. Only individual files.

    Brenda Brooks
    7 years ago

    If I share “Anyone with the link” does this mean windows machines will see the file? We’re as “Only people you invite” is restricted to iCloud/Mac/iOS users?

    7 years ago

    Brenda: Windows machines can see the file. To invite people, they need an Apple ID. But Windows users can have Apple IDs.

    7 years ago

    iCloud drive > Share (a file); there is no "Add People" option in the dropdown list.
    System Preferences > Extensions > Share Menu; Add People tick box is greyed out...
    Why? or What does it mean?
    How can I solve this...?

    I'm using MacBook Pro, Late 2011, macOS Sierra Version 10.12.6

    7 years ago

    Sorry I realized that I must upgrade my os to high sierra...
    My apoligize for inconvenient...

    Chamberland Marc
    7 years ago

    What is the maximum size of a file shared ?

    7 years ago

    Chamberland: I haven't heard of any file size limit. You could always test with the largest file you have in iCloud Drive to see if it works. If not, test a smaller one, etc. Report back with your findings.

    Chamberland Marc
    7 years ago

    Hi again. I did in fact made a test with a video file of 1,2 Go and it worked ! Doesn't look to have a limit in the size of files !

    7 years ago

    Chamberland: Nice!

    Colleen Boland
    7 years ago

    Okay folks, I need to share 9GB of vid and pic files and the receiver needs them in the resolution/quality that I shot them in. In the case of vids, that is 1080p. I read somewhere that the quality will be decreased going through iCloud. Does anyone know if that is true or false?

    7 years ago

    Colleen: Where did you read that the quality will be decreased? If you share a file, the file isn't reprocessed. You are sharing the actual file. So that's just not true. Perhaps you are confusing it with something else, like sharing a photo via email or text where you are given options for compression. But iCloud is not going to change your file when you share it.
    Now if you have a lot of files to share, you may want to consider something that lets you share in quantity. Maybe a Dropbox account or some file sharing service your company (if this is for work) uses.

    John Stires
    7 years ago

    I shared one file successfully to iOS's Airdrop (redundantly I guess) and to myself via OS Mail. Airdrop is still active in the Sharing box [↑] but I no longer have the Add People option AT ALL. Clicking "More" brings up Sharing Extensions. The "Add People" and "Airdrop" boxes are ticked and grayed-out (as Ertugrul described) without the blue background as in other checkboxes. This was so strange that I restarted my MBP; no joy.

    7 years ago

    John: Sorry, I can't imagine what is wrong. Ertugrul's issue was not being at High Sierra yet. Are you sure you have a file (not a folder) selected?

    7 years ago

    Good video. Please let me confirm my understanding. I send a person an invitation to collaborate on a Numbers document with the permission to make edits. They make changes and save the file. Does it matter if they save it to their hard drive or their iCloud Drive? So assume they save it to their iCloud Drive. When they open it again in 2 weeks and make changes I assume those changes will be reflected in my document too. Is this correct?

    7 years ago

    Gene: When they save, it just saves to iCloud, where it is. It doesn't change location. The location is your iCloud account and you both have access to it. The only other option is to create a new copy of that document and save that somewhere else, then it is a new copy and is not shared by anyone.

    7 years ago

    So, how do they get to it a month later? Do I need to re-invite them? Thanks for all of your insights.

    7 years ago

    Gene: No need to re-invite them. Once you are sharing it, you will continue to share it until you stop.

    7 years ago

    And where do they access it? I assume when they click save and save it to their iCloud Drive that's where they re-open it. Sorry I am being dense.

    7 years ago

    Gene: Think of the file as being in ONE location. You share it. They don't save it to their iCloud Drive separately. You are both accessing one file at one location. You are both accessing the same file that exists on iCloud Drive.

    7 years ago

    So, where does my wife (the person with whom I am sharing) click to open the document to make further edits?

    7 years ago

    Never mind Gary, I found it. Thanks

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