Minor Updates to macOS, iOS, watchOS and tvOS

Software Update Macos 10.14.3 Mojave

Over the last 24 hours Apple has released minor new versions of all of its major operating systems: macOS 10.14.3, iOS 12.1.3, watchOS 5.1.3, and tvOS 12.1.2. All updates will show up automatically as regular software updates on each device over the next day or so.

All of these updates were beta tested through several versions by developers over the last few weeks. These updates include no major changes, but various minor bug fixes and perhaps some security enhancements.

Comments: 2 Responses to “Minor Updates to macOS, iOS, watchOS and tvOS”

    6 years ago

    After installing 10.14.3 my DVD finally works...Finder now recognizes the drive. Did not happen on all Macs but certainly did on mine and others. Finally!!!

    6 years ago

    This also updates HomePod where Siri has stopped listening. Over the last week or so, none of my HomePods were "listening" but since updating, all are working perfectly and Siri is back to normal.

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