Club MacMost Exclusive: The Advantages To Using the Apple Extended Keyboard

I use the Apple Keyboard with the numeric keypad. Why? Lots of good reasons!

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Comments: 2 Responses to “The Advantages To Using the Apple Extended Keyboard”

    Douglas Mattingly
    1 year ago

    Is there any advantage to using the black keys rather than the white? Aside from personal preference, there seems to be no difference in the keyboards, so why do you suppose Apple charges $20 more for the one with black keys?
    Anyway, thanks for this video. Since I really have no need to have the extended numeric keys, I always dismissed getting the larger keyboard. Your vid was enlightening, and I really do appreciate the added options you point out.

    1 year ago

    Douglas: Just a color preference. My only guess is that the process to make the black keys is different, maybe?

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