6 Ways To Convert Video Files On a Mac

There are many ways to convert video files from one format to another on your Mac. Often you don't even need to convert at all, but just simply change the file extension.

Comments: 6 Responses to “6 Ways To Convert Video Files On a Mac”

    Carol Brunger
    6 months ago

    Thank you so much for this video Gary. It answers so many questions.

    Christian Nelson
    6 months ago

    So much great information here in this video...no wasted time, just Gary explaining stuff I've often wondered about. One of the best things about Gary's videos is that he is always right...his information is reliable...*and* you can tell just by the way he talks that he actually knows what he's talking about. He doesn't fumble around, doesn't sound like he's just regurgitating something he read somewhere. Gary just might be the eighth wonder of the world.

    6 months ago

    Thanks Gary for the awesome video! one query : I bought a brand new USB drive (2TB) (exFAT format). When I copied few movies files(.mkv) to it, it's strange. File gets copied normally. But, when I play it in VLC, few can play it normally, but if I try to click ahead in navigation bar to let's say to timeline 00:25 or 01:00, it gets stuck. But while playing on my Mac, I could navigate to anywhere with hardly 1sec delay. And, few .mkv files can't even play from this USB drive. DOC/PDF/XLSX are ok

    6 months ago

    jun: Could be because the drive is so much slower than your internal one, plus the USB connection is much slower too. It may improve if you use a better video format, or if the drive was formatted for Mac instead of old Windows.

    Christy Sheffield Sanford
    3 months ago

    Excellent, meaning I can understand most of what you say. I opened my Quicktime Player (converted file from Keynote) and went to export, but the 4K and 1080p are not options. I made the Keynote for 16:9, so not sure what's wrong. I want to put it on Vimeo like all my others that work fine, and I want to send it to contests. My converter app stopped working. Sonoma 14.1.2.
    Thank you, Gary.

    3 months ago

    Christy: You can't go "up" from something lower to 1080 or 4K. If you are exporting from Keynote, just export with the settings you want and use that. No need to convert.

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