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What Are Common Commands To Use When Dictating On My iPad Instead Of Typing?

When using my voice for texts, emails etc.: Is there a list of common instructions or way to train my iPad to voice things like parentheses, abbreviations and other commonly written commands that I speak instead of write?
Because of a disability I use my voice for text, email and other fill ins. I am very grateful to have it.
Sally O’Callaghan

Comments: 2 Responses to “What Are Common Commands To Use When Dictating On My iPad Instead Of Typing?”

    3 months ago

    Depends on the type of dictation you are using. For the standard quick keyboard dictation, there isn't much. Just what is mentioned at

    But if you use the Accessibility "Voice Control" dictation then you can find tons of commands in Settings, Accessibility, Voice Control, Commands. And you can create your own. Since you mention having a disability as the reason for using dictation, then you should definitely use Voice Control instead of regular dictation and customize as much as you like in Settings.

    Sally O'Callaghan
    3 months ago

    Wow, the accessibility Voice Control offers so many options. It will take a bit to learn it, but it is amazing! Thank you so much, I think it will help enormously.

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