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How to add longer titles in iMovie

I’m using iMovie with stills and movies about vacations we’ve been on. I want to do an introduction before each section during the vacation, but the introductions are lengthy in that I want to explain certain things. None of the titles in iMovie give me the length that I need. How can I add or create long titles/intros and then move them into iMovie to be used?

— Aleta

Comments: 2 Responses to “How to add longer titles in iMovie”

    15 years ago

    The one that should be able to handle it is the "scrolling credits." You can go as long as you want.
    Otherwise, consider making a series of images, the exact size of the screen, with text on them. You can use any image editor. Then drop them in as pictures.

    14 years ago

    IVE FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! just go up to 'clip' (top left) and click on 'slow motion' then it should come up with: '10', '25' and '50' that with make that particular clip go for a longer time

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