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How Do I Add Music To a Keynote Presentation?

Hi, I am making a presentation using Keynote and have to add music. How do I do that, and can I edit the length of the music file and lower the sound at the start and end of the music file

It will be a big file that, in the end, will be made into a movie file and be projected to a group of people. I am not able to see any solution.
Sisse Brimberg

Comments: 2 Responses to “How Do I Add Music To a Keynote Presentation?”

    4 months ago

    If you want to add music to a single slide, you can drag and drop an audio file to that slide. Then select it and go to the Format sidebar, Audio. There you can set it to start when playing and control the volume, etc.

    If you want music to play through your entire presentation, then select the Document sidebar. Then audio. Here you can add one or more soundtrack files to the presentation and set the volume and other properties.

    Sisse Brimberg
    4 months ago

    Thank you so much, Gary

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