MacMost Now 935: What’s New In OS X Mavericks

Check out the new features of Mac OS X Mavericks. There are two major new apps that come with the operating system, plus overhauls to Calendar, Notes and Contacts. You also get new features in Safari and better support for multiple screens.

Comments: 37 Responses to “MacMost Now 935: What’s New In OS X Mavericks”

    11 years ago

    Thank you for the excellent video on using Mavericks in the app store. I bought it and I'm learning a lot. Well done and well worth the money.


    Chessdude67 YT

    Richard Greene
    11 years ago

    Gary... good stuff, as always. I bought your video guide to Mavericks in the App Store for a refresher and update - your usual helpful and well paced presentation. I did notice that the first video following the Introduction is entitled "What's New in Mountain Lion" - did you intend that title or should it have said Mavericks instead of Mountain Lion?

      11 years ago

      It was just me typing the wrong thing. I'll correct it in the first update.

    Joel Anderson
    11 years ago

    I've been on the road since before Mavericks was announced, but I'm looking forward to downloading and installing it as soon as I get home tomorrow. Thanks for your helpful videos, helping me to get ready.

    11 years ago

    hi Gary
    I tried the Tabs feature in Finder, created a new tab then dragged the Documents folder from the side bar onto the new tab, but it disappeared in a puff of smoke :)
    how do I get the Documents folder listed again in the side bar?

      11 years ago

      The sidebar is a different animal. You don't use it like that. Dragging things "away" from the sidebar will just remove them from the sidebar. Go to Finder, Preferences, Sidebar and re-check "Documents" to get it back.

    Craig Partridge
    11 years ago

    I would really appreciate a little tutorial about the new Keychain program that comes with Mavericks. I must have 50 passwords now and it drives me potty trying to remeber them all.

      11 years ago

      Installing and using one Password would help you immensely

        Scott Griswold
        11 years ago

        How do you install One password for all of the different sites?
        Im sure that is not what you mean. Help because I have the same problem... Way to many passwords for all the different sites.. can not remember them,,. even if I look in keychain I cannot necessarily find the site and password I need. I have to refer to a book that I have been keeping records in,

          11 years ago

          What Spice means is the app 1Password. I highly recommend it myself. Use it all the time. 1Password.

          11 years ago


          1Password has plugins for all the major browsers. It is also a desktop app and has a separate IOS app.

          It does a lot more than just remember passwords for websites. It helps you make more secure passwords with a password generator.

          It also lets you enter all your credit card information securely and info for all your software keys and such.

          It can live in Dropbox and now iCloud.

          I've been using it for a couple years now and no longer use the same user name and password everywhere.

    Phil K
    11 years ago

    Hi Gary,
    I can't find a way to add additional items to the Finder toolbar now. You explained how to do this previously in Episode 276, and I added a link to a spreadsheet and one to open an application; however, this method doesn't seem to work with Mavericks. Am I doing something wrong?

      11 years ago

      You can add items as before, but perhaps the ability to put apps in there is no longer available.

        Phil K
        11 years ago

        I had another look at this after reading your comment. You now have to press the CMD key while you drag, which displays the green + icon, and you drop on the toolbar as before. You can also add applications using this method. With Mountain Lion you simply dragged to the toolbar, waited a second until the green + icon appeared, and dropped.
        Thanks for all the videos, I've watched lots of them and learned a lot about Macs (previously a long term Windows user).

    Mike Jones
    11 years ago

    Hi Gary,

    How are you finding Safari post-Mavericks install? I find I'm getting slight horizontal movement when scrolling up and down, which makes reading a little uncomfortable. Any idea if its something you can disable? I don't think I use a single website where you'd want to scroll horizontally across the page!

    All the best, Mike

      11 years ago

      Not sure what you mean. I'm not noticing anything like that. Perhaps your browser window is too narrow?

    Christopher Malaney
    11 years ago

    On the new tags is there a way that we can tag applications like iPhoto and Adobe light room, I have tried to put tags on those and it won't let me. Also are you going to make use of use of the new web site push notification I really like that feature in the new mavericks and have already done it on some of the web sites I go to.

      11 years ago

      Tags are for files. I don't know why you would want to tag an application.
      I thought about the push feature, but I don't think it makes sense for MacMost's content (tutorials) or the audience.

        Christopher Malaney
        11 years ago

        Well I was able to do it for some of my application, the reason I am doing it is so that I can search for all of my photo editing apps under one tag, my movie editing under another tag so I can pull it up quickly instead of going through my application, do you have another idea for this?

          11 years ago

          I would create a folder somewhere in your documents folder called Apps. I would put subfolders in it like "Photo Editing." I would then put aliases to your apps in there, like Photoshop and Pixelmator, etc. Then I would drag that folder to the right side of the Dock. I would set it to "List" view, sort by name.

            Christopher Malaney
            11 years ago

            Thanks that worked great :-)

    11 years ago

    I upgraded to Maverick yesterday, from OSX 10.7.5
    Looks fine thus far, except for when I try to save an image from the web. The process follows as before (except this time I'm offered the chance to add a tag to the image) but then I get the spinning wheel of death, until my browser crashes. This happens for both Safari and Chrome.
    Any idea why it would do this?
    Should I disable iCloud?

      11 years ago

      Hard to say why that would happen. Not typical, certainly. Maybe needs a Genius Bar visit.

        11 years ago

        I live in a country without an Apple store (which is why I use your site so much!), so I've followed the 'send a report to Apple' prompt and done exactly that. Not sure if they'll read it - they probably get thousands of them, worldwide.
        It turns out if I select 'save to downlaod folder' there's no problem, but if I 'save to...' a folder, it crashes.

    Philip Mulligan
    11 years ago

    Gary, Enjoyed the intro. Have you come across a problem with external hard drives being wiped of data when used with Mavericks. I know some people it has happened to and am afraid to connect my external drive.
    Regards Philip

      11 years ago

      I haven't heard of that. I use lots of external drives and haven't had any issues.

        Philip Mulligan
        11 years ago

        It appears to be a problem with WD drives mostly. Will let you know if I get any more details.

    11 years ago

    hi Gary, i to have bought the Maverick download and i do not usually buy these items but i agree with other comments well worth the money regards John

    11 years ago

    Thank you Gary.
    I appreciate your work very much.
    Your website is fantastic.
    Best regards

    11 years ago

    Hi Gary,
    Your Mavericks Tutorial App is fabulous!
    Just new to Mac and it answered a ton of questions.
    Looking forward to more such Apps.
    Many thanks,

    Sue Ryan
    11 years ago

    Thanks for the great introductory video. I can always count on you to point out features that will be very helpful. The Finder updates are awesome. Keep up the excellent work; you are greatly appreciated.

    11 years ago

    Can I migrate my time machine from my Mavericks mac to my mountain lion mac?

      11 years ago

      Not sure what you mean by "migrate." If you are using Time Machine now (you should be) then you keep using it after the update. No change, no action needed on your part.

        11 years ago

        Sorry I didn't explain myself very well. I have a new iMac with Mountain Lion. I need to use my time machine back up from my dead MBP with Mavericks to put on the new iMac. Can I do it at set up or do I need to get Mavericks on the iMac first?

          11 years ago

          I would upgrade your iMac to Mavericks, then use Time Machine to restore that user account to the iMac.

    11 years ago

    Thanks Gary. You are where I always go to find the right info. Please don't ever stop!

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