MacMost Now 50: Calculator Alternatives

Gary Rosenzweig takes a look at some alternative to the Dashboard Widget calculator that ships with Leopard.

Comments: 6 Responses to “MacMost Now 50: Calculator Alternatives”

    17 years ago

    That Calq is fantastic, it's just what I've been looking for a long time. Now planning my finances will be a little bit quicker!

    17 years ago

    You should also mention the graphing calculator that is in the Utilities folder simply called Grapher...

    17 years ago

    I love what you do but you missed the boat on this one.

    What is wrong with the calculator found in Applications? It has a Basic, Scientific and Programmer mode. It also does more conversions than others that are shareware. Why didn't you show the calculator which has come as a part of the OS for years.

    17 years ago

    Jeff: Excellent point. I was focusing on the Dashboard widget calculator, and ignoring the Calculator "Application" which is excellent. I should have mentioned it.

    17 years ago

    A great calc for the Video Professional is Timecode Calculator 2.2.1. Downloadable from the Apple Site under Shareware. It does have a minimal cost but it does replace the old Radio Shack timecode calculators.

    17 years ago

    Magic Number Machine is a nice app worth mentioning as well.

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