Custom iPhone Ringtone Vibration Patterns

Learn how to create custom vibration patterns so you can tell the difference between a phone call, text message, or other notification. You can also assign them to contacts so you can tell who is calling you.

Want to create a custom vibration pattern for phone calls and text messages?
Start by going into the Settings app.
Then go into Sounds.
Choose any item under Sounds and Vibration Patterns.
Near the bottom of the next screen, choose Create New Vibration.
Next, tap out a vibration pattern with your finger.
When you are done, tap Stop.
Then tap Save.
Name the pattern and tap Save.
Now you can select it as the vibration pattern for any tone in the Sounds settings.
You can also assign it to a specific contact in the Contacts app.
When viewing the contact, tap Edit.
Then assign that new pattern to the Vibration setting for that contact.

Bonus information:
You can use this for calendar and reminder alerts too. Basically, anything you can assign a ringtone to, you can assign one of these vibration patterns to.

Comments: One Response to “Custom iPhone Ringtone Vibration Patterns”

    Garry Eustace
    11 years ago

    Excellent little information snippets. Great idea.

Comments Closed.