Finding Text On a Web Page On Your iPhone or iPad

You can search for text on the current web page using your iPhone or iPad just as you can with a desktop computer. The trick is knowing how to start a search. You start by using the address field, which feels like you are about to leave the page. But if you look at the search suggestions, you'll find a On This Page item at the very bottom that allows you to find the text on the current page instead. You can then use a new search field at the bottom and arrows to find more matches.

Comments: 9 Responses to “Finding Text On a Web Page On Your iPhone or iPad”

    Ofay Cat
    8 years ago

    Thanks for that tip ... I have wish to be able to find text on my phone .. now I can.
    And ... the beard looks good.

    Michael Glavin
    8 years ago

    Another method which I find more intuitive is to hit "share", then "find on page", and this brings up the same interface. This is also how you get to a desktop site (like icloud). "Share", then "request desktop site"

    8 years ago

    Command F brings up a text box which you then type in the word you're looking for on the page and it will tell you how many instances it fines. I have found this very useful.

    8 years ago

    Sharman: That's for a Mac. There's no "Command+F" on an iPhone or iPad.

    Gale Paeper
    8 years ago

    Gary: In the case of an iPad Pro with an attached Apple Smart Keyboard, Sharman is correct about the Command+F invoking the "On This Page" "new search field at the bottom and arrows to find more matches" behavior.

    FYI, Apple added quite a few application specific command key shortcuts to IOS with the introduction of the Smart Keyboard with the original 12.9 iPad Pro. Hold down the command key on an attached Smart Keyboard and a dialog showing the available shortcuts will appear.

    8 years ago

    Gale: True, if you are using an external keyboard, then you can do it that way. Thanks!

    Jerry South
    8 years ago

    Nice! Thanks, Gary!

    Bruce Holland
    8 years ago

    Hi Gary. This is neat, but is there anyway to search through all the pages on a website?

    8 years ago

    Bruce: Yes. If the site does't offer it (most sites do have a search function) then you can always do a Google search formatted like this: keywords

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