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Email a Section Of a Spreadsheet?

Every day I check my blood glucose, blood pressure, weight and temperature. I put this info into a numbers spreadsheet. Once a week I would like to send an email to my kids with the last 7 days info not the whole spreadsheet. Thanks.

Now I have 2 separate spreadsheet. One I send to my kids every week. The other one is the main going back several years. When I enter the info I have to enter the info twice in each of the two spreadsheets. Would like to do with one spreadsheet.
Roger Ramsey

Comments: 3 Responses to “Email a Section Of a Spreadsheet?”

    3 years ago

    Just copy and paste. Select the cells in the table you want to send, then use Command+c to copy. Go to the email message you are composing and then Command+v to paste into the body of the message. Try it out and see.

    Roger Ramsey
    3 years ago

    I tried it. It worked but some of the cells were color filled but not in the email I sent to myself.

    David A
    3 years ago

    Take a screenshot and send as a JPEG or PNG. No second spreadsheet necessary.

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