Every day I check my blood glucose, blood pressure, weight and temperature. I put this info into a numbers spreadsheet. Once a week I would like to send an email to my kids with the last 7 days info not the whole spreadsheet. Thanks.
Now I have 2 separate spreadsheet. One I send to my kids every week. The other one is the main going back several years. When I enter the info I have to enter the info twice in each of the two spreadsheets. Would like to do with one spreadsheet.
Roger Ramsey
Just copy and paste. Select the cells in the table you want to send, then use Command+c to copy. Go to the email message you are composing and then Command+v to paste into the body of the message. Try it out and see.
I tried it. It worked but some of the cells were color filled but not in the email I sent to myself.
Take a screenshot and send as a JPEG or PNG. No second spreadsheet necessary.