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How Do I Share an Article From Apple News To Social Media?

I have a MacBook Air 2023, M2 chip, laptop. How can I share a story from The Atlantic channel in the Apple News app to Facebook or other social media?

I want to share the information presented in an editorial to others that may not have read it or have access to Apple News or The Atlantic.
Scott Schroeder

Comments: One Response to “How Do I Share an Article From Apple News To Social Media?”

    4 months ago

    You can select the little share button (square with an up arrow) and select Copy Link. Then paste that into a post to whatever social media network's site or app you are using. You can also select File, Share to get to that same menu.

    You can also select File, Open in Safari and go to the web site page for that article and copy and paste the URL from there. That may be nicer if you don't expect the readers of your posts to have Apple News.

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