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How Do I Take Remainders Of Cell and Use for a New Formula In a Different Cell?

How can I make the answer to an if statement division problem display a whole number and take the remainder of that value for a formula in another cell? Sorry new to numbers.

Cubic Yards to size of dumpster and quantity. a2 is total cu yds, b2 is text from if statement showing size of dumpster depending on value of a2 (15yd, 20yd, 30yd), and c2 is an if statement that provides quantity of dumpsters needed of the given size. This comes out as a whole number with a decimal.

Comments: One Response to “How Do I Take Remainders Of Cell and Use for a New Formula In a Different Cell?”

    1 year ago

    Unfortunately, you didn't include your current formula as I'll need to make some guesses here. Let's say A2 is the total cubic yards, B2 is the text, and C2 is the result of your IF formula.

    So if A2 has the value of 75 and B2 is 20yd then your IF function then calculates 75/20 into cell C2. The value would be 3.75.

    So in D2, use FLOOR to round down. D would be the number of 20 yd dumpsters.

    That gives you 3.

    Then to get the remainder, just subtract the total value (3.75) from the rounded value (3). So E2 would be:

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