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iPhone 5 Release?

Gary any idea on the iphone 5 release date ? Im wondering whether to get another 4 after selling my 3gs or wait a while and get the 5 straight away !
What is your advice ?
cyrus Dubash

Comments: 3 Responses to “iPhone 5 Release?”

    14 years ago

    Just the same rumors that I'm sure you have read. It is all just speculation and rumors now. Can't really advise anyone based on that.

      Liana Martinez
      13 years ago

      In response to a very similar question asked of the techies at Consumer Reports the reader was advised to hold off until this summer/fall 2012 for the release of the Iphone 5 with 4G so as not to incur another 2-year contract with what would be old technology. Consumer Reports is considered to be a reputable magazine, so someone there must have some line to Cupertino, CA.

        13 years ago

        Consumer reports is a relatively reputable magazine, yes. And their estimate of a release timeframe is about the same as everyone else. But the one thing I can say is that they don't have any more information than anyone else -- no "line to Cupertino," just the same educated guess as everyone else.

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