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Keepsake books in iPhoto

Hi Gary,

Is there a way to export or share a book created in iPhoto to a disc to share with others…without buying the book from Apple?



— Jason

Comments: 21 Responses to “Keepsake books in iPhoto”

    15 years ago

    Absolutely. Just print the book locally, but instead of printing, choose PDF, "Save as PDF."

      15 years ago

      Gotcha...but if the person have music tied to it (as in a slide show) is there a way to export that slideshow?

      I think you did a podcast on this.....

        15 years ago

        In that case, just choose the keepsake in the left sidebar and go to File, Export.

    14 years ago

    But can I put this on another computer and buy a book from apple?

      14 years ago

      You can do both, yes, if that is what you mean. You can order the book from Apple, and then also print out the book yourself, choosing "PDF" when printing. Do either as many times as you like.

    14 years ago

    Can I export the keepsake to imovie?

      14 years ago

      What do you mean? A keepsake is usually something like a book -- a printed book of pictures. iMovie handles video. So what exactly are you looking to do?

    14 years ago

    1. My PDF of my iphoto keepsake seems to contain all the photos on the top row that I chose from when I made the keepsake.
    So my PDF is 54mb which is too big to send as an attachment!

    2. Can I post my keepsake on my mobile me? If so How?

      14 years ago

      You can share any file on MobileMe's iDisk. Just upload it to the Public folder of your iDisk and share the external URL of the file.

        Michelle Gibson
        13 years ago

        Where or how do I find the external URL of the file to share it with someone? What's the best way to publish the book to mobileme.

          13 years ago

          If you are using MobileMe, then put the file in your iDisk's public folder. In the web interface for MobileMe, go to iDisk, and then your Public Folder. Select it and then there will be sharing options. You'll see the public URL for it there.

    14 years ago

    Thanks! When it says public, does it mean that "anyone" can access it or only people who have a password?

      14 years ago

      Yes. Not that anyone else would know where they are unless you post it somewhere.

    Anneta Charitonos
    13 years ago

    I Live in Zimbabwe and I want to get my photobook printed in UK but do have a good enough internet connection to submit it online. I want to know how to go about saving it to a flash drive and where I can send it to for printing. Once it is done it can be sent to a UK address.

      13 years ago

      I'm not aware of any way to do that through Apple. Either you submit it online or you print it yourself. You can print it as a PDF, of course, but then there is no way to get that back into the Apple system for printing.

    13 years ago

    Hi! Is there a way I can transfer my keepsake book from one mac to another without mobile me?

    If I save it as a PDF in flash drive and open it on another Mac, then I can no longer edit it, right?

    Thanks for your help.

      13 years ago

      Right. A PDF is like a "printout" of the keepsake. You can't edit it. Don't know of a way to transfer a keepsake other than transferring the entire iPhoto library.

    13 years ago

    Hi! I've just saved my keepsake in PDF but I would like to send it to a friend so he could buy it from apple. Is that a way? Does he need to have a MAC?

      13 years ago

      No way to do it like that. To buy a printed copy you would need to do that from your Mac in iPhoto. So order one and have it shipped to his address.

    12 years ago

    Hi I am trying to print my keepsake with a local printer, how do I print a page to email him to see if it is compatible to their printing programmes??

      12 years ago

      By local printer do you mean a printer on your local network? Or a actual brick-and-mortar business that prints things? If the latter, why not just print to PDF and send the PDF. That's the only way to do it that I can think of.

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