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RSS Visualizer – Removing RSS Feeds

Hi Gary,

I was playing with the RSS Visualizer in Screen Saver. I have added few test feeds, now I can’t seem to delete them.

Example of a list showing in the RSS Visualizer options…

I have tried searching but came up empty.

Thank you.

— Ken

Comments: 12 Responses to “RSS Visualizer – Removing RSS Feeds”

    15 years ago

    As far as I can tell, you can't "add" RSS feeds in the RSS Visualizer options. You simply select one from either your Mail or Safari RSS feeds, or you manually enter one.
    If you want to delete one from the list, you have to go to either Mail or Safari and delete it from there -- your Mail RSS feeds, or bookmarks in Safari that are RSS feeds.

    15 years ago

    I manually added it in. Perhaps it would be better if I give you a screen shot.

    Thanks Gary.

    ...I guess it not a really a big deal, just being picky. :)

    15 years ago

    Here you go.. Thank you.

      15 years ago

      Interesting. It doesn't appear to be a part of the "RSS Visualizer" -- just a part of the screen saver interface in general. And I can't even get it to work. No matter which RSS feed I enter, it never validates it. That looks like a file name ( did you look to see if that file is in your user/Library/Preferences folder? Maybe it is as simple as just deleting that file there if you find it.

    15 years ago

    I got it to validated using feed:// but it came up different than what I had expected. And that, I could delete.

    user/Library/Preferences was the first place I look and the closest I got was which I have tried deleting.

    I have even replace the RSS Visualizer.qtz under Macintosh HD/System/Library/Screen Savers

    Oh well. I am just going have to live with it.. :)

    Thank you.

    15 years ago

    Gary, I guess this problem bother me enough to call Apple support. The senior tech couldn't do it either. It's being escalated to the software engineering team. Apple thinks it just a file to delete. I will keep you updated. Turn around time is approximate 3-5 days.


      15 years ago

      I'm having the same problem...

    15 years ago

    Still waiting. I had to send a screenshot to apple.

    15 years ago

    It solved!!!

    Go to library/PubSub and trash the folder.

    Thank you Apple. :)

      14 years ago

      Thanks for posting this!! Apple still doesn't have it under "help" or anywhere else..........duh!

        13 years ago

        THANK YOU for this post. Helped me clear the sub list as well

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