I have a mid 2015 15″ MacBook Pro running Mojave10.14.5.
In the Safari context menu I see a list of all the open Safari windows. Can I select and close individual open windows via the context menu?
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How Do I Close Windows Via the Safari Context Menu?
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I'm not sure I understand what you are asking. A "context menu" is when you Control+click (or two-finger click or right click) on something and a menu appears at that spot. When you do this in Safari, what you get depends on what you are clicking. I don't see any place you can bring up a context menu that displays a list of windows. The only menu where I see a list of windows is the Window menu, which displays a list of windows at the bottom just like any app would. You can use these to switch to a window. Closing a window is a matter of switching to it and then clicking the red button at the top left, or using File, Close Window (Shift+Command+w).
If you are looking for a quick way to close windows, you can always use Command+~ to switch windows and then Shift+Command+w to close them. Command+w works too as long as the window has only one tab open. You can alsi use Control+down arrow to view all open windows to choose one.
Sorry for not identifying which context menu. It's the one that appears when you Control+click on the Safari icon in the dock. As you mentioned, I use this context menu to switch to different windows. I hoped it was possible to close windows from here.
Liz: No, I don't think there is a way to close a document directly from the context menu in the Dock.