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Missing downloads folder

Hi Gary
My downloads folder the used to sit next to the apps and documents foldrer is missing I don’t know what I did but how can I get it back?

— Paulie3660

Comments: 2 Responses to “Missing downloads folder”

    15 years ago

    The documents folder should be in your user folder, the same place as your documents, music, movies, pictures and other folders. If you deleted it by accient, then just create a new one. Name it Downloads with a capital D.

    15 years ago

    It occurred to me that maybe you don't mean the Downloads folder. Maybe you mean the short cut (alias) to the Downloads folder in the Dock? If so, this is just an alias. The actual Downloads folder is in your user folder. Just use a Finder window to go to your user folder and you'll see the Downloads folder there. Drag it to the right side of the Dock to add an alias back to the Dock.

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