Club MacMost Exclusive: How To Find Out What’s New After a macOS Or App Update

After a macOS or app update it can be difficult to figure out what has changed. Here's how to see what's new...

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Comments: One Response to “How To Find Out What’s New After a macOS Or App Update”

    Ellen Lerner
    1 week ago

    I recently had a system upgrade. All went well until I used one of my progrgrams called “typeitforme” and when I wrote in the cue for the date - which is three small d’s, it did not expand.. Before I panicked, I went into safari and stated my problem and found the answer how to fix it and thank goodness it worked the first time. Not always the case. LOL. I am on Ventura 13.6.9. I used your articles as well as the Internet to find out what to do after an update.

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