How To Post Photos to Facebook From Your Mac

Apple has removed the direct link between the Photos app and Facebook in macOS Mojave. But it is still easy to upload Photos to Facebook using the Facebook website. You can use the Media option in the file open dialog, drag and drop into the file open dialog, drag directly onto the Facebook page, and a variety of other options. If you have trouble picking out a photo this way, you can always enlarge the photos you are viewing, or drag and drop direct from the Photos app or the Finder.

Comments: 14 Responses to “How To Post Photos to Facebook From Your Mac”

    Richard Fuhr
    6 years ago

    As Gary pointed out in this video, it is no longer possible to use the Mac Photos app on the most recent version of macOS (Mojave) to directly post photos to Facebook. However, it is still possible to use the Photos app on the most recent version of iOS on the iPhone and iPad to post photos to Facebook. I find it strange that Apple decided to remove this capability on the Mac but retain it on the iPhone and iPad.

    6 years ago

    Richard: There are some big differences between how sharing of this nature is accomplished on iOS and macOS. For instance, notice that there is no Facebook app on macOS like there is iOS. But all of the sharing options hook either into the system or to apps. I suppose Facebook could create a macOS app that added a sharing option on macOS.

    Jenny McGarry
    6 years ago

    Is there anyway to move the pictures into an album in Facebook.

    6 years ago

    Jenny: You can post the pictures any way that Facebook allows you in the Web interface. I don't really use Facebook albums, but if that is something you can do normally, then you can certainly use this technique to post them there.

    charles willard
    6 years ago

    The virtual destruction of Photos in Mojave has convinced me that Apple is no longer the user friendly company but now focused on serving IT specialists. Been faithful since the 1980s but seriously considering switching away from Apple.

    6 years ago

    charles: "virtual destruction?" What do you mean by that? Photos is pretty much the same as it was in High Sierra with a few new things. The removal of the Facebook hooks from macOS was generally seen as a good thing considering Facebook's privacy issues this year.

    Nancy Brodovsky
    6 years ago

    Gary, My concern is that with over 30,000 pictures it takes so long to upload to find the pictures I would want to include in facebook

    6 years ago

    Nancy: Not sure what you mean. Do you simply mean that it takes too long to look through 30,000 to find the ones you want? If it is a recent one, it will be at the end of the list. Or, if you have it in an album, look in the album instead. You can also use Moments, Collections and Years to narrow it down quickly.
    What I like to do, if I am posting say 10 pictures from something I just did, is mark them as Favorites (heart icon) in Photos. Then I look in "Favorites" when selecting to upload and see just those 10 photos. Can't get any quicker than that. Then I clear out the favorites to use next time. But I could also create a temporary album in Photos that works the same way.

    George B Wolff
    6 years ago

    HELP! I tried everything you said gary, but when I go to the Media-photos file you mention I find none of my pictures there...not even ones I have edited today. When I go back to the mac photo app, I can edit my photos, but i can't post them up to FB as I used to (as you said) but I also have to way to put the finished photos where I want to get at them from FB. The export control doesn't help. HELP!

    6 years ago

    George: So what do you see when you try to use Media->Photos? What shows up? You can always use the drag-and-drop method I show in the video too. Or, just export (or drag and drop) to a folder or the Desktop and upload from there.

    6 years ago

    Gary, I'm way behind on your newsletters. Just seeing this one now. Can you tell me what size photo file is uploaded to Facebook or elsewhere? Does it upload the original size or something smaller? Or, does that depend on where it's being uploaded? Thank you.

    6 years ago

    Jim: It should be the original size. But Facebook may process it after.

    6 years ago

    But you can't change the size of the photos. Full-size pics take forever to upload, unless you have super fast internet, I guess.

    6 years ago

    AmyR: If you have limited bandwidth, then your best option is to export the photos from Photos, choosing a small file size/lower quality. Then upload those exported files to Facebook.

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