2/22/239:00 am How To Use ChatGPT To Help You Write Here are 10 ways you can use ChatGPT while writing stories. If used properly, ChatGPT can help you with ideas, information, style and more. You can also watch this video at YouTube (but with ads). Video Transcript: Hi, this is Gary with MacMost.com. Here are ten ways that ChatGPT can help you write stories. MacMost is brought to you thanks to a great group of more than 1000 supporters. Go to MacMost.com/patreon. There you can read more about the Patreon Campaign. Join us and get exclusive content and course discounts. So you may have already heard that ChatGPT can write stories for you. You can just give it some information and it will write a short story. Of course this has lots of teachers concerned. But in reality the stories it produces aren't necessarily that good and can easily be seen as something generated by AI. However, what ChatGPT does very well is work as a writer's assistant. In several different ways it can help you produce stories that you actually write but ChatGPT kind of acts as another person that you can ask for ideas and help. So let's start with something simple. Like just creating some characters. You can ask it something like this; give me some characters for a mystery novel. (ChatGPT responds). So you can see here I've got some quick, easy characters. Of course I could ask for a different story type, a different number of characters, and all of that. Another thing you can do is have it generate a plot suggestion for you. Of course, it will probably be best if you modify that plot to fit your needs and of course you're actually going to have to write the story. (Example typed on screen.) Now here's where it gets very interesting. You can suggest variations and see how that will affect the plot. (Continue on screen). You can ask it for other alterations as well. Like, for instance, what if the story took place in a different setting, like say in a hospital. Or what if it was an episode of one of your favorite TV shows. Now in addition to generating characters ChatGPT can generate objects. So, for instance, if you were writing an adventure story and you wanted your adventurers to find all this treasure you can have ChatGPT suggest ideas. (Ideas appear on screen.) Or maybe you just need to come up with some fictional locations for the characters to travel through. (Answers on screen). You could also use ChatGPT as a substitute for research for some basic facts. Like, for instance, you want to name some characters in your story but you want to make sure the names are historically accurate. (Answer appears on screen). Or your characters simply need to travel from one point to another and you want to make sure you get the times right. Sometimes you may want to fill in your story with descriptions of things that aren't necessarily important to the plot but it is nice to have a little bit of a description in there to color in the picture for the reader. So you can see I can lift a sentence or two from that to add to the story. Or maybe something like this. (More ideas on screen). Now while having ChatGPT write stories for you, especially if you're in school, isn't a good idea, you can have it create a basic framework and then draw on that framework to write your own story. A lot of times you can pick famous characters in books or TV shows and uses that as a basis for a story. Like this. (Example on screen). Another thing you can do is give your story new direction. So say you've written part of a story but decide that you want to take it somewhere else. You can give ChatGPT a writing prompt and see where it takes you. You can always ask it to try again. Or you can use an even longer prompt, like this, and see what it comes up with. Then you can ask it to modify it. Now most of these cases, so far, you're getting information from ChatGPT and then you're doing the writing yourself. But the opposite of that is to take something you've already written and ask ChatGPT to make it a little bit better. So maybe something like this where you're asking ChatGPT to take a sentence and punch it up a bit. Now, of course, there are many different writing styles. You, yourself, as a writer may actually have different styles that you use. You can ask ChatGPT to take something that it has produced for you and something that you've written and rewrite it in different style. For instance, I'lll just continue this right here and ask it to give me the same thing but using a very specific writing style. (ChatGPT producing it on screen). Okay, so I've saved the best for last. This one isn't just something you can use when writing but also something you can use for just general entertainment. You can have ChatGPT act as a character in a story and you can interact with that character. So take a look at this prompt. I'm asking ChatGPT to be a character in a story and also generate the story. But not just give me the text back. After I set this up I'll be able to have conversations where ChatGPT plays one character and I play another. I can see where it goes. (Story on screen). So now I can just ask questions. I can continue the story. You can just continue from there. I wonder how far you can get with this story. If you use other characters and ideas I wonder how far those will go as well. But when you're done you can take the text there and write the story up if you like. So, I hope this gives you some great ideas of how you can use ChatGPT as a writing assistant. Thanks for watching. Related Subjects: AI (10 videos) Related Video Tutorials: How To Use ChatGPT To Learn Things ― How To Use ChatGPT and Bard To Get Tech Help ― Give ChatGPT a Better Personality Comments: 3 Responses to “How To Use ChatGPT To Help You Write” Mark Denney 2 years ago This is so interesting that you have used ChatGPT to help write fiction. Graeme Salmond 2 years ago yes, very interesting . . . amazing, actually! :) PB.Webb 2 years ago For better or worse, I am a 80 year old female without any college who loves learning new things. ChatGBT will be my next challenge, Thanks Comments Closed.
This is so interesting that you have used ChatGPT to help write fiction.
yes, very interesting . . . amazing, actually! :)
For better or worse, I am a 80 year old female without any college who loves learning new things. ChatGBT will be my next challenge, Thanks