Import Photos From Cameras and SD Cards Using the Image Capture App On Your Mac

If you need to get photo from your camera, an SD card, or an iPhone or iPad, but don't want them in the Photos app, you can do it with the Image Capture app that is already on your Mac.

Comments: 5 Responses to “Import Photos From Cameras and SD Cards Using the Image Capture App On Your Mac”

    10 months ago

    Could it be posible to run a shell script using the option of "Connecting this camera opens" ?
    I already have a zsh script that works for me.

    John C.
    10 months ago

    I understand that you are trying to show people the different ways to do a task (which is useful), but I really do not see any advantage to using Image Capture to pull images off of an SD card when Finder does exactly the same thing. One difference is the ability to change the icon size in list view - Finder can't do that. Another difference is that right clicking on an item in Finder gives way more actions than Image Capture can. Still, good job as always with the video.

    10 months ago

    John: Another advantage is that you don't need to understand your SD card's file structure. Some of them can have files in multiple folders and it is easy to miss some types of images.

    Daemon Baizan
    10 months ago

    I use the Image Capture app to offload images from phones and iOS devices. Much more straightforward than the Photos app, no interference with cloud images, and there’s the option to delete upon download. With Image Capture, I can use my iOS devices as the true professional tools they can be.

    Daemon Baizan
    10 months ago

    I use the Image Capture app to offload images from phones and iOS devices. Much more straightforward than the Photos app, no interference with cloud images, and there’s the option to delete upon download. With Image Capture, I can use my iOS devices as the true professional tools they can be.

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