Another slow news week as Apple probably isn’t going to announce anything new until the MacWorld Expo in early January.
But the iPhone sales division does seem to be busy. AT&T is now allowing customers to order iPhones online, and then activate them at home. Apple started allowing people to purchase iPhone gift certificates a few weeks ago as well, giving you two ways to surprise someone with an iPhone under the tree this year.
In addition, rumors are flying that Walmart will soon start offering iPhones. This may be a good place to put iPhones since a lot of medium-sized cities and towns in the U.S. don’t have an Apple store, but they usually have a Walmart.
Iconfactory engineer Craig Hockenberry, who worked on the iPhone apps Frenzic and Twitterific, wrote an open letter to Steve Jobs complaining about how there are so many free and 99 cent applications in the iPhone App Store that developing more useful and complex apps is becoming uneconomical. He has a point. You can read his letter here.
If you were lucky enough to get an new MacBook of any flavor in the last few months, Apple has a firmware update available through the Software Update feature of Mac OS X. Looks like it mostly fixes issues with the power adapter and battery indicator lights.