iPhone Reception, New MobileMe Calendar, iPod Touch Rumors

This week attention remained on iPhone 4 reception issues. A software update is on the way, but some reports say that this update merely changes how signal strength is reported on the phone in “bars” rather than changing actual reception. Other reports indicate that bars are indeed the issue, and that holding an iPhone 4 the wrong way won’t necessarily cause calls or the Internet connection to drop. Many iPhone 4 owners make this a non-issue by simply getting a protective case for the iPhone.
Meanwhile, AT&T said that upload speeds for some iPhone 4 users may not be as fast as they should be, due to a software problem on the AT&T side that should be fixed soon.
Apple continues to update its MobileMe service. After just completing an update of web-based email, there is now a beta test of a new web-based calendar interface. You can see the new interface by going to your MobileMe calendar on the Web, and clicking on a link to request to be part of the beta. Apple has posted a FAQ with details about the new calendar.
Rumors this week include talk of a new Apple TV that may more closely resemble the iPod Touch than a Mac running Front Row. There may even be an app store. Also, fresh rumors point to a new iPod Touch with cameras and support for FaceTime video calls.