MacMost Now 434: Is MobileMe Worth It?

Look at the services you get with MobileMe and decide whether the service is worth the price. You get email, calendars and contacts, storage, a web site, syncing, Back-To-My-Mac and Find My iPhone. There are free services that can be used to replace most of these, but they are not exactly the same.

Comments: 17 Responses to “MacMost Now 434: Is MobileMe Worth It?”

    14 years ago

    Thanks for the video on MobileMe Gary. I currently use the service.

    For renewals, where can I get for the $70 price you mentioned?


    14 years ago

    Thanks Gary!

    14 years ago

    If I order online, do they actually ship out the MobileMe or just provide me with a renewal code? I just need the latter.

      14 years ago

      If you order from a third-party store, they ship out a small, light box with the renewal code. The same box you get if you buy it in a retail Apple Store. The only way to just get a code (not even a code, actually) is to renew online for the full $99 from inside your MobileMe account.

    14 years ago

    Thanks Gary, I might just renew online as I live in Canada and do not want to incur any type of customs duties.

    Edward Walsh
    14 years ago

    Hi Gary:

    Thanks for today's video on MobileMe. I have had that service since the beginning of this year. So far my favorite features are the Photo Gallery and Mail. Plan to start using in the near future the Calendar along with Contact and sync them to my computer and iPhone. Also, the fact that I am not inundated with advertising is for me a big plus!

    For reference, here in Canada I paid $109 for my MobileMe Account. You mentioned getting it for around $70 (US) and you can renew your present account with that lower rate. Could you elaborate on how to do that? From the looks of it I am automatically set up to renew each year at the rate of $109 and like anyone else if I can save a few dollars - why not!!

    Thanks again for the shows.

    Edward Walsh
    Marystown, Newfoundland

      14 years ago

      Just buy the MobileMe box from an online site (MacMall, Amazon, etc) and you get a box with a code. Use that code to renew your service near the end of the year.

        Edward Walsh
        14 years ago

        Hi Gary:

        I apologize as it seems like I am the second one in a row to ask you the same thing. I guess I don't type as fast as others - when I started to type out my response no one had yet left a comment.

        Just the same, thanks for the reply.

        Edward Walsh
        Marystown, Newfoundland

    14 years ago

    I'd love to use this Mac product, but 20 GB quit being lots of space long long ago. Just the number of "high quality" photos Mac claims it will hold must be based on digital cameras at least 5 years old. Come on APPLE. Server space is not that expensive. I'd love to be able to use that smooth seamless Apple work flow, but until you are less stingy with space, my $99 is much better spent with other solutions.

    14 years ago

    I personally do not find the cost a reasonable return on investment, but give Apple props for offering such a service.

    But I will say how much I liked your outdoor shooting! I think you should try this more often.

    14 years ago

    Hi Gary,

    I always love your video explanations on everything Apple.

    Keep up the good work !


    Mario (from Belgium).

    John DeBrita
    14 years ago

    when you get down to a reasonable price of 45.00 a year I would most likely grab it quick. after all how many millions of people already get something like that for free through MS outlook just through a one time purchase of software?
    maybe it Outlook doesn't have all these features , but for the most part its free after purchase and then you can download a lot of apps for free that are associated with it.
    so if MS is doing it for free then why do people want mac? especially when Mac's cost double what the PC costs?
    I wanted a Mac for my iPhone, but I cannot justify it for $2,700.00 when I have a pc laptop that does more than your expensive desktop, and its compatible with my iPhone already.

    13 years ago

    How can I remove/uninstall MobileMe on my Mac?
    I don't want the Sync Now icon on the Menu Bar.
    Since I don't have a MobileMe account all the options are disabled in Sys Prefs
    What should I do?

      13 years ago

      So you just need to remove the icon? Did you try Command+click and drag?

    13 years ago

    I don't want to remove just the icon but all the MobileMe thing.
    Since the icon appears my thoughts are that the MobileMe software is running, am I wrong?

    It can be removed/stopped? :s

      13 years ago

      Turning off the options in the system preferences is what you do. You don't need to do anything else. You don't "remove" the system preferences or anything. Just leave it there turned off. It is just like any other feature of OS X that you don't use. You just turn it off or don't use it, you don't' try to remove it from OS X.

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