New Do Not Disturb Options

In iOS 12 you can now turn on Do Not Disturb and have it automatically turn off using a variety of criteria. This solves the problem of turning on Do No Disturb and then forgetting to turn it off. You can choose to have it turn off automatically after an hour, later in the day, when you leave your current location, or at the end of a scheduled event in your calendar.

Comments: 8 Responses to “New Do Not Disturb Options”

    6 years ago


    I really wish they would give us an option so that when DND is on it will automatically send a text message back saying that you are unavailable, like what it does when you have DND while driving turned on. That would be an easy fix on Apples part, moving that code over to the “regular” DND.

    What do you think?

    6 years ago

    I watched your comments on "Do Not Disturb". I has ios12 installed and it doesn't show any of the options you discussed. I think I have the old program, but it should have changed. What do i do?


    6 years ago

    wade: Not sure what you mean by "old program" -- check to see if you have iOS 12 installed. If so, you should see these Do Not Disturb options in Control Center.

    6 years ago

    Karl: I'm wondering if there is a problem there with text message fees. A lot of people still pay per-message or have a monthly limit. The driving thing is a safety issue, so maybe there it is justified. But I'd hate to be Apple support if someone used a wider auto-response function like you suggest and it ends up costing them extra on their bill because they respond to every spam message.

    6 years ago

    With DND on caller goes to voicemail or hangs up. Either way I’m alerted if missed call or vmail in my home screen. That seems to be sufficient without txting.

    6 years ago

    I have the same issue as Wade. and I'm on iOS12. My control center from home page swipe up does not show"Dock Connector". It has something else (can't view now as I'm upgrading to 12.0) When I hold down the do not disturb it doesn't provide options on a 2ndary menu.

    6 years ago

    Just updated to 12.01. The Do Not Disturb options still do not appear when pressing and holding the crescent moon. Additional the "Dock Connector" screen Gary shows in the video is "Screen Mirroring" on my iPhone. Do I need to change this, if so, How?

    6 years ago

    Elaine: The "Dock connector" is just the "Screen Mirroring" or "Airplay" that you probably see. It depends on what your iPhone is connected to or what you have available. It shows Dock Connector for me because I am connected to my Mac via a cable and recording from it for the tutorial. It has nothing to do with Do Not Disturb. As for the DND control center button, are you holding it for long enough? If you don't have an iPhone with 3D Touch, then you need to keep holding it. That's what happens with my iPad since iPads don't have 3D touch.

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